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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:09 pm

I think we know who we are playing :3

Red quietly chuckled as her mom made nasty but sarcastic jokes at the woman on Family Feud. "Yeah!! Hurr durr!" Red laughed happily. Her dad has been gone for maybe 2 and a half hours or so now.. Was he okay?


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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:10 pm

Gotta add this:

Red's dad stopped at the entrance of the airport and popped both trunk and passenger side door.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:15 pm

(Oh, instead of James and Aleks it's gonna be Aleks and Kevin XD sorry bout that)

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:16 pm

Aleks and Kevin looked around silently for the guy who was supposedly picking them up. "Where are we going again?" Asked Kevin.

Tigress and her Mom smiled as they both watched a lifetime movie. Their version of a valentines day movie involved a psychopath. Tigress looked at the door worriedly. Where was her dad!?
Tigress' dad sat silently in his navy blue truck. He silently unlocked the back and passenger doors.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:45 pm

Red's dad silently drove up. "Um.. Aleks and Kevin, correct?" He asked them and smiled lightly. "My daughter is a huge fan of you guys."

Ty and Bash silently glanced around. "Why are we here again..?" Ty mumbled, Bash shrugging happily. "I don't know but I feel like we're gonna get molested!" He giggled.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:52 pm

Aleks and Kevin slowly nodded. "Ummm was she the winner of the valentine competition thing?...." Aleks asked.
(I didn't know why else they would be going home with their dads xD)

Tigress' dad drove over to them quietly. "Ugh Ty and Bash right? My daughter was the winner of that competition thing..." He grumbled, clearly not happy.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:57 pm

Her dad grumbled something. "Yeah sorry, I didn't really.. Expect this." He spoke. "Though she doesn't know it, so she'll be freaking, just stay calm, k?" He chuckled lightly.

Bash jumped back and hid behind Ty. Ty nodded. "Idiot.." He grumbled at Bash. "Sorry for my.. Friend." He mumbled.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:01 pm

Kevin chuckled and nodded. "Got it!" He said happily as Aleks rolled his eyes. "Just get in the car...." Aleks grumbled.

Her dad sighed and nodded, running a hand over his head. (SINCE HE IS BBBAAALLLDDD!) "It's fine.... Just... My daughter didnt know she won, because I kind of stole her phone and read it then deleted it. So ya, just expect her to freak out."

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:00 pm


Red's dad chuckled at Kevin. "Anyways, hurry up! My wife and my daughter are probably worrying about me." He chuckled. "And my daughter doesn't know it, but she'll be waiting for you guys."

Ty nodded. "Yes sir." He nodded before grabbing his stuff before slipping into the back of the car, after him and Bash placed their suitcases in the trunk. Bash happily followed in behind Ty and closed the door before placing on their seatbelts.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:05 pm

Aleks nodded and silently grabbed his bags before placing them in the trunk, Kevin doing the same. They silently got in the car and buckled up. "Alright."

Tigress' dad nodded and silently started the car. "You guys ready?" He asked quietly.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:10 pm

Red's dad nodded before starting up the car. He quietly drove out've where he parked and quietly got onto the highway and quietly started to drive back. Sooner or later, he parked into his driveway and quietly got out. "You need help with any of your bags?" He asked. Red right now was sitting in her room, on her bed, and silently laughed loudly at videos.

Bash and Ty nodded. "Yep!" Bash said happily, making Ty slap his cheek. "Ow.." Bash mumbled, making Ty snicker.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:16 pm

They both shook their heads and got out of the car. They silently got their bags and looked at him. "Lead the way." Aleks told him.

Her dad nodded and drove quietly to their house. Once they reached their house her dad parked and looked at him. "You guys need any help with your bags?" He asked. Tigress was in the kitchen with her mom. Tigress was wearing only a large tshirt that hung down to her knees that served as her pajamas.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:19 pm

Her dad nodded before walking down a hill that lead to their house. As they followed, they quickly got there barely in 2-5 minutes. He quietly used the key to unlock the door. As he did, he quietly got in and hugged and pecked his wife on the lips before nodding towards the closed room door. Red giggled happily, all she had was white and pink Nike t-shirt that was sort of baggy, and Cookie Monster pajama pants.

Ty and Bash glanced at each other before shaking their heads. They both grabbed their bags and nodded toward him. "We're ready." Ty spoke.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:26 pm

They both nodded and silently walked towards her room. Kevin nodded at Aleks and they both knocked on her door quietly. They had no idea what was behind the closed door.....

He nodded and silently walked into the house. "I'm home!" He said happily, causing Tigress' mom to run and jump hug him. Tigress was still sitting silently in the kitchen, checking on Facebook on her phone. Her dad looked at them. "She is in the kitchen."

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:30 pm

Red raised an eyebrow before quietly pausing the video and taking off her headphones. She silently walked towards the door before slightly opening it a crack, seeing their chest and under. She blushed brightly and her eyes widened before glancing up. "Oh holy shit... No, fucking way.."

Ty and Bash nodded before silently and quietly walking into the kitchen, though Bash falling and flopping on his stomach. "YOU IDIOT!!" Ty laughed with Bash.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:33 pm

Kevin looked lightly at the crack. "Hhheeelllooo?" He said happily and chuckled. Aleks rolled his eyes and slapped him.

Tigress looked over at them and instantly froze. "Oh.... My..... Fucking..... God...."

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:06 pm

(You know what would be hilarious? If we...
Your probably gonna be like: FUCK NO and it's nothing to do with this rp XD)

Red giggled before happily opening the door and hugged them both. "Oh my fucking god hi!!" She squealed, her dad and mom chuckling from their room upstairs.

Ty smirked and glanced up, waving quietly to her. "HIIIII ARE YOU TIGRESS?!" Bash asked happily.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:10 pm

(Oh god, what?)

Kevin and Aleks chuckled happily. Aleks gently hugged her and picked her up. "Are you Red?" He asked happily.

Tigress nodded and gulped lightly. "Y-Yes..." She answered, clearly still in shock.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:43 pm

(xD okay, I just got this off a fanfic, well, some.
What if Mitch,Jason, and Sky have been best friends with Red for a while. Same with Tigress, Bash,Ty, and Zek.)

Red blushed brightly and giggled happily, feeling how warm Aleks was. "Y-Yes, why w-wouldn't I b-be..?" She stuttered in embarrassment.

Bash placed his hands on is cheeks and

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:43 pm

(xD okay, I just got this off a fanfic, well, some.
What if Mitch,Jason, and Sky have been best friends with Red for a while. Same with Tigress, Bash,Ty, and Zek.)

Red blushed brightly and giggled happily, feeling how warm Aleks was. "Y-Yes, why w-wouldn't I b-be..?" She stuttered in embarrassment.

Bash placed his hands on his cheeks and his eyes and mouth widened. "O MY GOD SHE'S BEAUTIFUL TY!!!" Ty snickered and smacked the back of his head. "No shit Bash!"

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:47 pm

(And what?)
Aleks grinned down at her happily. "Then you are our valentine!" Kevin said happily and grinned at her.

Tigress raised an eyebrow at them and smiled. She looked down and realized she was only wearing the shirt. "Fuck!...."

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:54 pm

(They have a torturing boyfriend, and when they are at the beach Red and Tigress get bit by a sea turtle (XD WHUT) and when they try to get back to where they sat up their towels and everything, they only get somewhat onto land until their boyfriends grab them, making one of the guys saving her. As they wake up, they where in a hotel room the 3 guys they where best friends with they stayed in for 4-5 days, though they have to stay in one of the guys' beds with them, though all the guys like them. The guys help her out by answering their now ex-boyfriends texts and later go to her house where their ex- boyfriend is and take her clothes and everything she needed and we'll continue from there)

Red blushed brightly, her face lighting up. "Really?! Oh my god I totally will be!" She said happily and hugged them tightly.

Ty snickered at her appearance. "What? Your lucky it's nothing less!" He spoke up, Bash giggling and nodding.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:59 pm

(Lol what a sea turtle? Why not a fucking shark or get stung by a jelly fish?)
Aleks grinned and nodded. Kevin stole her from Aleks' arms and crushed her to his chest. "Woot!!"

Tigress blushed brightly and rolled her eyes. "W-Whatever...." She murmured and stood up slowly. "I'm ummm.... Going to put on some more clothes...."

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:09 am

(Lol because 1: sharks will be too.. Hurtful XD and jellyfish you would just need someone to pee on it.)

Red giggled and blushed brightly. "Hey!" She smiled happily and pulled both of them closer.

Ty and Bash nodded and quickly got up. They dusted themselves off and waited for her silently but happily.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:12 am

(No, that is something else. I forgot what it's called but it has spikes all over it.)

Aleks and Kevin huffed and held her close. Aleks gave Kevin the death look as he gently pecked the top of her head.

Tigress raced off into her room and slipped into a black dark blue tshirt with a black and white tiger on it. She quickly changed into a pair of jeans and slowly walked out of her room.

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Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D Empty Re: Happy Valentines Day Tigress and Red :D

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