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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:43 pm

Me: Seto,Bash,Ty,Jack, and Joel.

~you start~

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:04 am

Tigress silently ran through the woods, trying to get further away from the hunters following her. She looked around quickly before she jumped up into a tree and his among the branches.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:08 am

The guys silently chased after her. Jack growled as she climbed up at tree. "Fuck!" He growled, holding his gun silently in his hands. Joel quietly placed his two pistols in his pockets, quickly began climbing. "Come here Girly.." He growled happily.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:10 am

Tigress gulped in fear and silently climbed higher. She hid in a hole in the trunk and closed her eyes tightly.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:13 am

Joel growled, following her every step before he reached the hole, climbing in and pulling out one of his pistols. "Give up, vampire.." He snarled, aiming the gun near her head.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:16 am

Tigress gulped in fear and looked up at him. She silently glanced down, clearly she had given up.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:19 am

Joel snarled and pulled out handcuffs. "Come on now." He grabbed her and picked her up, putting on her feet. He turned her around and tightly placed the handcuffs on her.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:28 am

Tigress looked down silently. She huffed sadly.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:30 am

Joel silently picked her up and quietly climbed down gently and slowly, somehow. The others smirked and Joel silently handed her to Jack. "Good job, Joel." He smirked.

(What're they gonna do with her?)

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:44 am

Tigress glared at Jack and hissed, showing him her fangs.

(Ummmm.... I was thinking they chain her up like she is se kind of animal and people pay them to go in and see her.)

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:57 am

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah princess.." He grumbled, taking a gag and slapping it over her head and onto her mouth. Jack silently threw her into a large cage in the back of their truck. They all got in and quietly went back to their place.


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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:59 am

Tigress growled in anger and silently started to kick the bars of the cage, hoping to break it.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:03 am

Jack growled. "Hey! You can't break that cage that easily, asshole!" He laughed from the rolled down window as he began to drive quickly.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:14 am

Tigress rolled her eyes and continued to kick the cage. She growled in anger as she tried desperately to break free.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:18 am

Soon, they quickly drove and parked the truck inside their building. Jack and Bash quietly taking in the cage. They silently put her in this glass like, look through exhibit, but it's like the glass you can see at the zoo, which is roughly unbreakable. They quietly unlocked the cage and walked away with it, shutting an aluminum door and locking it behind them.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:52 am

Tigress growled as she was placed in the exhibit. She stood up and started to pace around angrily.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:51 am

Jack silently nodded at the others to put up signs to come tomorrow to see her. He quietly watched her and gently placed a hand on the glass. "Your so beautiful.. But, so dangerous.." He whispered to himself.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:10 pm

Tigress looked over at him and growled. She not through the gag he had placed on her mouth and hissed at him.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:15 pm

Jack gently jumped back as the gag hit the glass that protected him from her. He rolled his eyes and gave her the finger.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:28 pm

Tigress hissed in anger and silently started to try and get off the handcuffs.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:15 am

Jack silently walked over to the door and unlocked a small window open. "You know, I can help you get those off if you don't fucking be a bitch to me." He smirked, gazing at her quietly.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:56 am

Tigress glared at him before she huffed. She slowly nodded and looked down.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:38 am

Jack huffed and quietly unlocked the door. He closed it behind him and quietly walked over to her. "Listen, I didn't want this to happen to you. But you killing those innocent people, I just had to.." He told her truthfully.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Tigress Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:47 am

Tigress glared over at him. "It wasn't me.... I'm not a killer..." She growled. She looked away silently. "If it was me then I would have killed you and your men when they first approached me..... As I said. I'm. Not. A. Killer."

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:53 am

Jack snarled at her. "Hey, not my fault. If you wanna be a bitch, fine, get the handcuffs off yourself." He grabbed the keys for the handcuffs and walked off, ignoring what she just said and then locked the door to the exhibit behind him.

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~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD Empty Re: ~Why~ Why you do dis Tigress? XD

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