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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:14 pm

James reluctantly pulled away from Red. "I'm sorry....."

Tigress smiled as her mom nodded. "It's fine..."

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:07 am

Red's mom shook her head. "It's fine.. Your mates, after all.." Red smiled and hugged him tightly before nodding.

Ty nodded and gently glanced at Tigress before smiling.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:31 am

James grinned and nodded before he hugged her tightly.

Tigress smiled and hugged him tightly. She gently nuzzled against his chest.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:43 am

Red sighed happily. She nuzzled against him and smiled. "Thanks for uh.. Telling me.. Both of you..."

Ty smiled and sighed happily. He slid his arms down to her waist and gently pecked her forehead.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:44 am

(Want to skip to the fight?)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:08 am

(Yepppp, can u start? Idk how to start it for Ty .-.)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:36 am

(Lol ya I'm just going to skip to when they actually are fighting)
James snarled as he and the other alpha circled each other in wolf form. James lunged forehead and bit into his shoulder before jumping back, not giving the other time to react.

Tigress whimpered as she stood ten steps away from the fight with a few wolves from his pack. She watched them nervously.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:44 am

Red's eyes widened as James attacked Michael. She stood in a crowd of several other wolves from James' pack, and she was nervous.. She didn't even know this Michael guy, and she didn't wanna be with him!

Ty growled as he and Jack glared at each other and bared teeth in their wolf forms. Ty quickly dashed at Jack before plunging him down and bit into his shoulder, making Jack growl and shove him off.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:51 am

James and Michael circled each other when Michael suddenly lunged foreword and grabbed his hind leg in his teeth. James growled and tried to push Michael off but her held on. James instantly started to roll when suddenly, a large crack split the air. Michael instantly let go as James stood up, his now broken leg hanging in the air and not touching the ground.

Tigress gulped nervously and looked at the other members of his pack. How could they be letting him do this!?

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:04 am

Red's clenched her eyes closed. She couldn't look... James just broke a leg! She clenched her hands into fists and held herself back from attacking Michael and making this whole thing stop.

Ty growled before Jack shoved him down before both started to tussle with each other until they separated from each other and jumped back. Ty growled and lunged at Jack again before Jack slid under him and gripped his hind leg in his mouth and bit down sharply onto it. Ty growled and fell down to his side before trying to shove Jack off, until a large cracking noise split into the air.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:10 am

James glared at Michael and snarled angrily. James quickly lunged forward and bit into the side of Michael's face. He roughly raked his teeth down the side of his face.

Tigress took a step forward and the wolves instantly held her back. "Let me the fuck go!!" She growled.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:23 am

Red glanced down and didn't wanna look back to see what was happening, or who was winning....

Ty finally kicked Jack off, his eyes gazing towards Tigress before growling as he got up, his now broken back leg dangled in the air. Both alphas jumped at each other, Ty getting a hold of Jack's ear before thrashing his head around, tearing a piece off, part of Jack's face filled up slowly as blood draped down it from his ear.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:26 am

Suddenly, Michael had James on the ground with his teeth deep in his neck. James slowly started to hold his breath, making his seem like he was about to die.

Tigress whimpered in fear as she tried desperately to get to him. "He needs me!!!" She whimpered sadly.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:39 am

Red quietly glanced up, her eyes widened as she thought James was about to die. "J-James..!" She whimpered.

Jack growled before slamming Ty into the ground and sunk his teeth into his neck. Ty gasped and held in his breath, seeming like he was beginning to die.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:43 am

James quickly continued to hold in his breath, trying to make Michael go into fake victory.

Tigress' eyes widened and she instantly burst free from the other wolves. "Ty!!!!!" She roared as the wolves tried to hold her back.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:49 am

Red growled as her feet clawed at the ground. She held herself back, not wanting to interfere.... 'H-he's just p-pretending.. H-he'll get u-up... R-right..?' She thought to herself worriedly.

Jack growled and shook his head around before Ty quickly picked his pace up with loosing his breath. He quietly pretending to go limp as Jack stood up and glanced at Tigress, his head held high. Ty's body quietly lay there in front of him.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:52 am

Michael tossed his head around roughly as James went limp. Michael let go of him and smirked. He raised his head up high and let out a howl of victory. Suddenly, James jumped up and tore out Michael's throat. He roughly pushed Michael down and tore a large gash in his underbelly, a wound he knew he wouldnt get up from. James let out a small howl of victory before collapsing.

Tigress sunk down to her knees and cried. "Ty! No!" She whimpered sadly.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:01 am

Red's eyes widened before bursting into tears of happiness. He was okay! He won! He did it for her... She sighed happily and smiled as she gazed at his tired body.

Ty opened one eye and gazed up at Jack before opening the other and lunged at him, taking him down before tearing out his throat. He snarled as he shook his head around, blood splattering everywhere as his claws made small but painful scratches down Jack's belly, making him gasp in pain before he finally went limp. Ty gently bent down and sniffed before lifting his head up high and howled in victory.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:05 am

James' dad smiled and nodded at the others. "My pack, get James and bring him to the Kings' house so we can heal him. As for you others. Take your old alpha and give him a proper burying.

Tigress smiled happily as she saw him win. He won!! She smiled happily and lightly moved towards him.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:13 am

All the wolves of Michael's pack lowered their heads and nodded, Michael's betas silently picked up the body before carrying it away, the others following. Red quietly glanced around before gently stepping forward before gazing at James' dad.

Ty's body gently collapsed and he panted heavily. Ty's dad barked in happiness. He smiled before gazing around. "My pack, get Ty to the Kings' house so we are able to patch him up. As for you others, get your old alpha and give him a proper burying." He barked in order.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:22 am

The pack members nodded and picked up James. James' mother smiled at Red. "Let's take you home sweetie...." She whispered.

The other pack nodded and picked up their dead alpha. They silently walked away to bury him.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:26 am

Red nodded and smiled. "Y-Yes ma'am..." She said and quietly took one last good glance at James as he got picked up.

Ty's mother bowed her head at Tigress as she padded forward while the wolves of Ty's pack picked him up and carried him to the Kings' house. "Let's get you home sweetie.." Ty's mom smiled.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:57 am

James' mom smiled and nodded. She gently took her hand and led her home.

Tigress got one last look at Ty before she nodded. "Ok...."

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:02 am

Red quietly followed behind her and smiled. She sighed happily as she gazed around quietly, getting a good look at everything before she went home.

Ty's mom nodded before quietly taking her hand and quietly began to walk her home.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:08 am

James' mom quickly led her home and smiled. She gently hugged her. "I'm glad to call you my daughter...." She whispered.

Tigress smiled and quietly walked with her. She got one last good look around before they left the field they were in.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 18 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

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