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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:54 pm

Ty's the prince for Tigress and hmm...
James for Red.

(Might screw up alot DX sorry if I do)

Red huffed and silently walked over to the window and sat down. She gazed out've it and saw a wait, limo? What the hell?

(Start for Tigress :3)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:00 pm

James sighed as he climbed silently out of the limo before Sorin, the protector of the prince, could even reach the door. He sighed as he looked up at the house he would be staying in and couldn't help but feel like his eyes wanted him to look at the house across the street.....

Tigress sat silently at her window, which was more like a bay, her friends had her sitting at her window to see who the new exchange student would be. She had everything that she would need and personally felt like a spy. She even had binoculars! Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a limo drive up to the Henry's house across the street. 'The fuck kind of exchange student shows up in a limo!?' She thought. (He can hear that thought and that's what makes him look at her house. Sorry about the long post xD.)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:01 pm

((Guys XD. Sorry to interrupt but this is the Youtube page owo))

Pisces Posts : 776
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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:03 pm

(I know it is youtubers .3. They are the princes)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:04 pm

((Ah alright. .3. Sorry, carry on.))

Pisces Posts : 776
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Age : 25
Location : Zone 0 with The Judge and Zacharie

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:05 pm

(It's fine! ^^)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:17 pm

(No it's fine XD if I mess up, let me know!)

Red raised an eyebrow. 'This is the new exchange student? Really? Bit tacky to show up in a limo..' She mumbled, apparently he would be staying in the house he was glancing at.

Ty huffed and fixed his hair silently before stepping out as Sorin opened the door. He quietly glanced around before perking up as he glanced at his new house he would 'supposedly' be staying in. He turned his head as he read the thoughts of a girl, he quietly glanced over at the house across the street, seeing a girl look outside her window.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:23 pm

(Ok one thing they can only hear the thoughts of their mates only thing xD)
James looked up as he heard the thoughts and looked at the house across the street. He raised an eyebrow at her and smiled. That had to be his mate.... He was so lucky! Most wolves had to wait centuries to meet their mates! He grinned as he found her name through her thoughts. 'Finally.... My Red....' He sent the thought to her and smirked.

Tigress gulped lightly as he looked at her.... He had to be the cutest guy she had seen! She blushed brightly but couldn't help but look at him. She was embarrassed about being caught by him and decided not to move in hope that he would look away.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:43 pm

(Kk X3)

Red blushed brightly and quietly glanced at him in embarrassment. She quietly watched him and gulped, not knowing what to say. She smiled nervously. She stood still, hoping he would soon look away, but his eyes where locked onto her.

Ty chuckled softly and gently continued to watch her. He smirked and quietly thought of something to tell her through his thoughts. His brown,hazel eyes where locked onto her. She was so beautiful! And she was as well embarrassed... This was totally his mate, at least he hoped. 'Hello there... Tigress...' He sent the thought to her after he figured out her name in her thoughts.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:03 pm

James smirked and nodded towards her before turning to Sorin. He gently hugged his old friend before walking towards the house he was stating at. He couldn't help but reach out to her thoughts again Nd send her a message, 'Soon......'

Tigress gulped in fear as she heard the voice. She couldn't help but continue to look at him. She felt something stir inside her, demanding that she go to him. Her hazel eyes were locked with his and she couldn't move, breath, or talk.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:07 pm

Red huffed. What was that guy talking to? How the hell was it possible for them to read each other's thoughts? She though, couldn't help that she needed him in a way, she nodded slightly and sighed. ''Soon..' She smiled.

Ty nodded at her and smiled before glancing over at Siron. He smiled and nodded at his friend before quietly walking up towards the house. He quietly walked in and smiled. He couldn't help but read what was going through her head. He chuckled softly. 'I'll have you soon..'

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:13 pm

James quietly walked in the house and was greeted by the King's. Mrs. King ran up and gently hugged James. He was a bit shocked by this action since he heard most American's weren't much for hugs. Nevertheless, he happily returned it before shaking Mr. King's hand. "Welcome to our home," Mr. Kings said happily.

Tigress blushed brightly and raced from her window. She grabbed her phone and called her friend, Jen. She answered one the third ring with a small grunt as an answer. "Jen! Come over to my house! Right now!" Tigress practically screamed. Jen nodded as she answered, "Be there in five minutes." Tigress nodded and quickly called her other friend, Sally, telling her the same thing. She quickly hung up and gulped in fear. Maybe she was finally going crazy.

(I'm using characters from the book xD)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:20 pm

(Lol it's fine XD I'm gonna use some of my friends if that's okay)

Red sighed and watched as he walked into the house. She quickly rushed to her phone, tripping almost on the way there. She quickly dialed her friend's phone number. She was either going crazy and psycho path, or just plain stupid. This guy and her could read each other's thoughts!! As her friend quietly answered on the last ring, she huffed. "Yea-" "AMBER! COME OVER TO MY HOUSE! NOW!" Amber chuckled. "Be right there!" She swiftly nodded and both hung up before Red quietly walked back to the window.

Ty silently walked in and smiled as he shook Mr.King's hand. "Welcome to our new home." He smiled, Ty nodding before Mrs.King walked up to him and gently hugged him. Ty smiled and quietly hugged back.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:28 pm

(Lol Mr. And Mrs. King aren't in the book. It's actually the Henry's)
James smiled gently as they showed him around and took him to his room. He quietly walked in and it didn't take long for him to decide that the King's were rich. His room was decorated in a snowy forest with wolves as the main theme. He couldn't help but chuckle. 'How fitting....' He thought.

Tigress paced her room as she waited for her friends. Once she heard the doorbell she shot down the stairs and ran full speed to the door. She quickly opened it and gasped as she saw her friends. She grabbed their arms and ran back upstairs, them trailing behind her. Once they reached her room she shoved the door close behind them. "Ok give us the details!" Jen demanded.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:33 pm

(The blood thing is Blood Rites)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:37 pm

(Fuck it XD I copy some of urs, and I some I don't X3)

Red quietly heard James' thoughts and smiled. She quietly waited before the doorbell rang and it was her two friends. She quickly opened it and before the could step in, she quickly grabbed their arms, shut the door with her foot, and went upstairs. "What the hell are we here for?!" Amber chuckled, Kami nodded. "Okay, so, you know the Romanian exchange student?" They both nodded.

Ty quietly nodded at the King's as they began to show him around. As time past he glanced around at everywhere as they showed him. 'Yep.. Their rich..' He smiled before they quietly showed him his room last. He smiled and walked in. Perfect, he could totally sleep here.. The walls where painted, having a forest setting around with several types of wolves in it.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:44 pm

(Lol also one more thing if the mate decides not to let the other see/hear that thought then the other can't .3.)
James was left by himself and walked into a door on the right side of his room. It was a bathroom with black and golf floor tiling. The walls were painted black with gold under it making it look like the golf was fighting the black away. The wolf inside him grunted happily at this being his territory. He looked around some more and found a giant jacuzzi tub and a large shower. He quietly walked out and opened the next door where he found a huge walk in closet.

Tigress quickly started to pace again. "Ok, guys this is going to sound totally crazy but-" she was cut off by Jen. "Wait! This calls for hot chocolate!" She yelled and Sally nodded. "I got it," Sally murmured. She quickly got up and left the room. She soon came back with three coffee cups of hot chocolate. "Ok! Continue!" Jen pushed.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:52 pm

(Oh okay)
As the King's left from Ty's nod to leave, he was finally alone. He glanced around and smiled. This was his territory.. His place now. He walked over and was curious of these two wooden doors with curtains on it. He silently opened it and he smirked as this huge, and I mean HUGE closet was right there in front of him! He closed it and silently walked over and opened a door to a balcony. He glanced out and smiled before turning his head to see a hot tub.

Red nodded. "Okay, anyways, he got out and he lives across the street from me." Kami smiled. "Ooooo!" Amber punched her in the arm playfully, making her giggle. "Guys! I'm serious!" "Okay okay we're listening!" Kami chuckled. "Okay, apparently we can read each others thoughts, I know I sound crazy, but I'm serious!"

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:02 pm

Tigress gently sipped her hot chocolate as she paced. She gulped lightly and looked out her window nervously, able to see the balcony that belonged to the King's. "Well..... I heard a voice and it was right when that exchange student looked at me! I don't understand it! I mean it was like I could hear him!" Tigress said frantically. Jen and Sally nodded. "Hey, you know how your mom is making him a southern style dinner?" Jen asked and Tigress nodded. "We can go over with her and see exactly what is up with them!" Jen grinned at her. It took a while but they finally convinced her. She slowly nodded and looked down.

James walked out of the closet and sat on his bed. 'Hello, Luna?' He asked as he reached out to Red in his mind. He smiled lightly as he couldn't help but hear her thoughts.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:19 pm

Ty quietly walked back inside and slowly closed the door behind him. He slowly glanced around once more before sitting down on his bed. He smiled and quietly heard Tigress' thoughts... 'Hello again.. Tigress..' He smiled and quietly closed his eyes.

Red perked up and huffed. "He's doing it again..." She whispered and glanced down. Amber gently patted her back, so did Kami. "It's okay.. Hey, your mom is creating this fancy dinner for him tonight, and inviting him over, maybe we can figure it out then?!" Kami suggested, Red nodded. "I guess.." Her mind was going through several things...

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:25 pm

Tigress instantly stopped moving as she heard him. She sat down at her window and brought her knees to her chest. "Oh god! It's back! Maybe I've finally gone insane!" She cried and Jen and Sally ran to her sides. "You are not crazy! Now, lets get you all dressed up to Matt that Romanian hottie!" Jen yelled. Tigress slowly nodded and stood up. Her friends rushed to her closet and started rummaging through her clothes.

James' eyes pulled together lightly. 'My Luna... Am I frightening you?..." He asked worriedly. The last thing he wanted to do was scare his mate!

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:31 pm

Ty sighed as he read several things, back and forth, in her head. 'Dear Tigress... Your not going insane.. I'll explain this soon enough..' He smiled softly, hoping he really didn't scare off his mate.

Red shook her head. 'No.. But why, why are you calling me Luna..?' She thought. 'What's going on..?' She asked him in her thoughts worriedly. Amber and Kami glanced at her before Red lifted her head back up. "I'm okay.." She smiled lightly. "Good! Now, let's find you something that you can wear that'll make that Romanian fall over his own heels!" Kami smiled and Red nodded as Red urged Kami and Amber out of her room before she quietly glanced around in her closet.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:42 pm

Tigress gulped softly in fear. 'W-Who are you?' She asked nervously. She wasn't convinced that it was the Romanian exchange student from across the street. She smiled lightly as her friends pulled out a shirt that said, "I'm not stubborn, my way is just better." She smiled and nodded before pulling out some jeans that had holes in them. She grabbed the clothes and walked into her bathroom before stopping. 'Ummm.... Is there a way you could just.... Leave for a few minutes?....' She asked. Changing with him there seemed.... Weird...

James smiled gently. 'I will tell you later, but now is not the time.' He answered and grinned. He stood up and started to find something to wear out of his suitcase.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:50 pm

Ty smirked. 'Of course... And my name is Ty, but the rest I will speak about later..' His voice gently died away in her head. He smiled as he quietly got up and brought out his suitcase before trying to find something to wear.

Red nodded. 'Okay...' She gently grabbed a blue and black shirt before quietly changing and putting her old clothes in the hamper. She silently pulled out black and white pants and placed them on. She nodded. "You guys can come in!" Kami and Amber quietly walked in and smiled. "You look great." Amber smiled, Kami nodded and happily clapping her hands. Red couldn't help but smile.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:55 pm

Tigress slowly nodded and as he left she felt..... Sad... She shook that thought away and quickly changed into those clothes. She quietly pulled her hair into a French braid. She emerged and went into her room. Jen and Sally grinned at her and nodded. "Now, lets go meet that hunk of Romania!" Jen said happily.

James quietly pulled on a black tshirt and black pants. He put on a leather jacket and put on some sneakers. He grinned happily at the thought of meeting his mate.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Sponsored content

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