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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:51 am

James chuckled softly and grinned. 'Maybe, maybe not.' He teased and stretched lightly.

Tigress rolled her eyes and laughed. 'Whatever weirdo.' She teased and yawned.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:57 am

Red laughed. 'Your so weird!' She giggled happily and smiled widely.

Ty smiled and shrugged. 'Oy! Don't call me a big weirdo, weirdo!!' He smirked.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:00 pm

James laughed happily and shrugged. 'Everyone is weird! Especially you!' He teased.

Tigress giggled and rolled her eyes. 'Youre the weirdo, not me.' She teased happily.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:34 pm

Red rolled her eyes but kept a smile. 'Sure, though I don't dream about sleeping with other people!' She giggled.

Ty smirked. 'Really? What's 0 divided by 1?' He smirked evilly.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:39 pm

James chuckled happily and rolled his eyes. 'Why not? It is actually very fun.' He teased.

Tigress rolled her eyes and giggled. 'You can't divide 0 by 1.' She answered.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:24 pm

Red blushed. 'So you admit you did? You fucked me in your dreams? What the hell?!' She laughed nervously.

Ty smirked. 'It's 0.' He laughed evilly. 'I win!!' He smirked and quietly started to get up and dance weirdly.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:29 pm

James chuckled softly. 'No, I was joking. In my dream you were an old woman who was very grumpy. Oh wait. You already are that.' He teased.

Tigress rolled her eyes and stretched out. 'See? You are weird. Nothing can change that.'

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:49 pm

Red rolled her eyes and chuckled. 'Haha very funny! In mine you where some kind of weird monster!' She giggled.

Ty smirked and sat back down on his bed. 'Okay, fine by me.' He chuckled. 'But your weird as well.'

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:14 pm

James rolled his eyes silently. 'Hey, I'm going to get ready. I have to get us a vehicle. My dad gave me the money to buy something. Ill be back later.'

Tigress rolled her eyes and giggled. 'Whatever.'

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:26 pm

Red nodded. 'Okay, I'll see you.' She smiled and quietly sighed. She would have to be alone again.. She quietly closed her eyes before getting up and decided to get ready.

Ty smiled and snickered. 'Hey, it's 11:45, Im gonna get ready and get us a vehicle, since my dad gave
me some money.' He smiled.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:18 pm

James nodded and silently got ready. He then walked into a library and found Mr. King. "Hey, could you drive me to a car dealership? Me dad gave me some money to buy a car." He asked. Mr. King nodded quickly. "Of course!"

Tigress nodded and sighed. 'Ok... See you later...' She told him before getting up silently.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:26 pm

Red quietly tried to choose what to wear. Hell, what WAS she going to wear?! She huffed before quietly picking out one of her best shirts and some pants. She quietly slipped them on and shrugged.

Ty nodded and silently got up to get ready. As he did, he quietly told the King's that he would walk to the car dealership, since it was only a block or so away. He quietly started to walk before he broke into a run. He smirked as he did.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:34 pm

Once they reached the car dealership James looked around. One dealer came up to them and James' eyes widened and growled. It was another werewolf!!!

Tigress quietly started to rummage through her closet. She sighed as she continued to look. Once she finally picked something out she walked into the bathroom. She caught a glimpse of something on her back and looked at it again. It was like a black tribal tattoo and had a certain pattern. It ran across her back and crawled up her neck. 'What the crap is on my back!?!?'

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:55 pm

(Is the other werewolf the other guy or whatever that tries to take Red?)

Red huffed and silently walked into the bathroom to finish getting ready. She glanced into the mirror. This, black like tattoo looks like something a tribe would have. It went from her neck to a little bit below the shoulder. It had a somewhat pattern onto it. Her eyes widened in shock. "What the fuck?!" She asked scaredily. What was this?!

Ty huffed and as he reached the dealership finally, he smirked before bumping into one of the dealers. He turned around before letting out a growl, as he could smell that it was another werewolf.


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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:01 pm

(No, it is an Omega wolf. The ones that try to claim them are Alphas.)
James growled at the other werewolf and he shrunk back. "What are you doing here, pup?" The other wolf growled. James glared at the wolf and it instantly shut up.

Tigress sighed and shook her head. She quickly took a bath before brushing her hair and pulling it into a braid, unaware that the tattoo thing was showing.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:24 pm


Red huffed and facepalmed. "What the fuck happened..?" She quietly shook her head and brushed her hair and did all that stuff. She quietly sighed and sat quietly in her comfy chair, she gently glanced at the ceiling silently.

Ty and the omega glared angrily at each other. "Why the fuck would you be hear anyways?" Ty snarled before the omega could speak. The omega quickly backed off. "Fine, I'll go." He snarled.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:48 pm

The omega growled and glared at him. James showed his teeth, that had become sharpened and larger. James eyes glowed with a mystic light causing the omega to back up lightly. "You should not be here! My alpha will have a few things to say to you!"

Tigress huffed and sat down. She stretched lightly and sighed as she started to apply her makeup.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:01 pm

Red smiled before huffing and silently glanced out the window. She closed her eyes for a few minutes.

Ty growled. "I said get out've here! I'll tell the damn alpha!" He showed and bared his sharp, wolf teeth. The omega huffed angrily. "I said I WILL."

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:06 pm

James growled and snapped his teeth at the omega. "I will take that dark blue camero. Here is the money. Now give me the keys..." He growled as he handed the wolf the money. The omega nodded and ran off. He quickly came back with the keys and handed them to him.

Tigress huffed and yawned softly. She closed her eyes as she waited for him.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:09 pm

Red silently awoke a few minutes later. "Man.. Where is he..?" She asked herself quietly and worriedly.

Ty quickly pointed to a red corvette. "Yeah, before you go, give me that red corvette." He quickly slapped the money onto the omega's hand before the omega swiftly nodded and dashed off. He came back with the keys and Ty quietly got into the new car before silently starting it up.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:14 pm

James silently climbed into the car and drove to her house. 'Red, I'm here.' He told her as he honked the horn.

Tigress huffed as she slowly woke up a while later and stretched. 'Where are you?' She asked.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:24 pm

Red smiled and nodded before getting up and silently saying bye to her mom before climbing into James' car. "Hey.. Um, have you seen this? I randomly got this the minute I got ready." She showed him the tattoo worriedly.

Ty huffed and drove to her house. 'Sorry about that.. I'm here.' He smiled and quietly honked the horn.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:45 pm

James couldn't help but give out a small possessive growl. He gently touched them and smirked, realizing they would fit with his like a puzzle piece. "Hmmmmm...." He murmured as he started to trace them gently.

Tigress nodded and ran out of her room. She gave her mom a hug before running out and getting into the car. "Hey!" She said happily, stil not noticing the mark was showing.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:53 pm

Red blushed brightly. "W-What are you do-doing..? Is s-something w-wrong..?" She asked worriedly and nervously, shivering under his touch.

Ty nodded before growling loudly as he turned her around and gently placed his fingers against the tattoo before realizing it fit together with his. He smirked and gently traced his fingers over it. "What is this..?"

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:00 am

James grinned and shook his head. "Everything is just fine...." He answered as he continued to trace the mark. He licked his lips at the thought of these marks being only for his eyes....

Tigress blushed brightly and shivered under his touch. "I-I just saw them today.... I was getting ready and they randomly showed up on my back...." She answered.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)  - Page 6 Empty Re: Prince of Wolves :P (Tigress)

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