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The Bodyguard (Tigress)

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:30 pm

A few things:
1. Detailed replies if u can :3
2. I'll be spending alot of time on this

Okay let's start!

The bodyguards are:
Ty and Michael :3 ( btw remember Michael cusses in almost every sentence and he's sort of rude)

Red silently sat on a chair in front of Geoff's desk. "Since you have had problems the past few months.. I decided to give you a bodyguard. It will take time to get to know him, though his is nice when you get to know him. I chose someone that is similar to you, and almost the same age." He told Red, making Red slowly nod. "Okay.." She mumbled as Geoff got up and walked out've his office and began to talk to Michael, who was waiting silently.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:36 pm

Michael huffed angrily, clearly not happy about his new job. "I thought you said this was a very fucking important job....." He growled under his breath angrily. He had more things to do other then be some chick's bodyguard! Plus, he was supposed to watch her all day and all night!! Meaning he would not be able to sleep at home!!!

Tigress silently sat in Jack's office when Jack came in. "Alright, Tigress, since you have had trouble the past few weeks/months I have assigned you a body guard. Now, he is nice when you get to know him but he can seem cold. Ill go get him." Tigress slowly nodded and looked down as Jack went to get Ty.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:49 am

Geoff glanced sharply and coldly at Michael. "Fucking speak to me again like that, she's been having trouble outside of this company." He mumbled. "And she needs bodyguard. She won't be no trouble, she's not a fucking jolly ass person. She's just like you, almost." He told him and growled lightly before silently beginning to lead him in.

Ty huffed and nodded slowly. "So all I have to do is protect her from rapists and fans?" He chuckled. "Got it, seems easy enough." He told Jack. Though he seemed happy to get the job to protect this.. Girl, he didn't want to watch her 24-7

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:10 am

Michael rolled his eyes silently and followed him. He still clearly wasn't very happy about this job.... 'They better fucking be paying me a lot.....' He thought angrily. He looked at Red and nodded at her silently in acknowledgement.

Tigress sighed softly as she silently waited for Jack and her new bodyguard. Jack nodded and ran a hand through his beard. "Ok, you got the most of the job. Just.... Don't make her angry." He warned as he started to walk into the office.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:00 pm

Red glanced silently up at him and gently got up. She nodded slowly before glancing at Geoff. "Geoff can I.. Can I speak to you?" She glanced over at Michael. "In private..?" She asked softly and glanced quietly behind her.

Ty nodded slowly and quietly followed Jack. He nodded at Tigress, a warm smile plastered on his face. "Sup?" He snickered before gently flicking a piece of hair out've his face.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:05 pm

Michael huffed and shrugged at Geoff. He silently sat down and huffed softly. He silently closed his eyes as he waited silently. He still didnt really want this job.....

Tigress nodded quietly at him. "Ty this is Tigress. Tigress this is Ty." Jack introduced happily. Tigress smiled nervously at him gently.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:08 pm

REd glanced at Geoff silently before dragging him outside of his office. "His doesnt even fucking look tough! And your telling me this is the best guy we got?" She asked him seriously, a bit of anger in her tone.

Ty smirked and nodded before silently sitting down and closing his eyes, huffing silently. If he was gonna protect this person.. Let's hope he didn't have to do it 24-7, I mean, she was a grown woman, right? She could take care of herself, maybe?

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:15 pm

(I'm not Geofff, am I?)

Tigress looked over at him quietly before she looked down silently. Jack walked behind them and gently patted her shoulder. "Ty, you are going to have to watch her 24/7. I don't want anything happening to her." Jack told him, causing her to look up. "What!? I'm a grown woman!"

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:39 pm

(No sorry XD)
Geoff glanced at her before sighing. "I know he doesn't look like it, but he get's really angry easily. He doesn't talk much until you get to know him. Please, just, let him have this one chance?" He asked her. Red sighed before nodding as they gently walked back into the office.

Ty huffed angrily. "Fine.." He whispered, not clearly happy. He mumbled slightly under his breath. He had stuff to do, what about going out with his friends? 'Guess that would have to fucking end..' He mumbled into his thoughts.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:42 pm

Michael looked up at them silently and nodded. He silently stood up and stretched. "Where to, Princess?" He asked as he looked at her quietly.

Tigress glared at Jack as he rolled his eyes. "I don't care of you don't like it Tigress." He told her, causing her to huff angrily.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:52 pm

Red glared up at him, a small, flustered spot on her cheeks. "Just.. Follow me.. I guess.." She mumbled and walked out've Geoff's office. "I'm going to my apartment.." She mumbled silently as she got into the elevator.

Ty glanced sharply at both of them before glancing down. He huffed softly and shook his head as he swayed silently back and forth. "Hmph.." He mumbled.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:58 pm

Michael nodded and waved to Geoff as he silently followed her. He stretched lightly as he walked silently. He huffed softly as he walked and glared at the ground.

Tigress glared at him angrily and silently stood up. "Fuck this.... I'm going home...." She growled.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:24 pm

Red glanced at him silently. "Um.. Are you okay?" She asked worriedly before silently about to press a button on the elevator.

Ty glanced at her before nodding. He sighed and glanced down. "Okay.." He shrugged and glanced up. "Fine by me."

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:34 pm

Michael nodded and huffed. "I'm fine. Why?" He asked softly and raised an eyebrow at her. He watched her silently. 'This had to be the most boring job....' He thought grumpily.

Tigress rolled her eyes angrily and silently walked out of Jack's office. She already hated this.....

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:29 pm

Red quietly rolled her eyes before nodding. "Okay then.. Jeez." She mumbled before realizing something. "Oh shit.. I can't go to my apartment no more.." She mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. "There's fucking rapists around there.." She huffed and pressed a button before the elevator began to move.

Ty silently followed her and huffed. He brushed his hair
out've his face to see in front of him. "Fucking jeez.. If you don't like me, I'm sorry." He mumbled.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:32 pm

Michael rolled his eyes and patted her shoulder. "You'll be fine. I can deal with any fucking rapists." He told her and grinned. He truly thought that she was not attacked by rapists.

Tigress sighed and shook her head. "It's not you..... I'm a grown woman.... I should be fine on my own... But Jack treats me like I'm a little kid..."

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:01 pm

Red glanced up at him. "I'm serious! I'm pretty sure you deal with almost anything, but I'm serious and I... I'm scared of them.." She glanced down. So she wasn't as tough as she looked like.

Ty nodded slowly and sighed. "I know.. But you don't know that Jack really cares about you, and he doesn't want you to her hurt nor raped." He spoke in a soft voice.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:07 am

Michael sighed softly and rolled his eyes. "You'll be fine.... Just don't look at them when we pass them...." He told her and gently patted her shoulder.

Tigress sighed softly and shrugged. She silently got into the elevator and waited for him. "Shit....." She murmured as she remembered something. "I can't go home...."

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:46 am

Red huffed silently. "Fucking roll your eyes at me again..." She spoke silently to herself through clenched teeth before silently walking out've the office and into her car before she started it up and buckled up.

Ty gently glanced at her as he got in and raised an eyebrow, wondering. "Hmm?" He asked softly. "Why..? Something wrong?" He asked curiously.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:52 am

Michael huffed and silently walked to his cars. He silently got into his car and started it silently.

Tigress sighed and looked down quietly. "Fucking rapists...." And answered quietly.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:58 am

Red glanced over at him. "Umm.. Aren't you fucking supposed to get into my car, asshole?" She growled.

Ty nodded slowly and huffed. "I got you.. Don't worry.." He sighed and glanced down.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:02 am

(I was thinking later, more into the rp, that they get into a huge fight and then one of them like.. Randomly kisses the other 0.0)

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:09 pm

(Lol yes!! xD)

Michael rolled his eyes angrily. "No, I can fucking follow you in my car. It's not going to kill you to drive by yourself." He answered angrily.

Tigress sighed softly and slowly nodded. "Ok...." She murmured and pressed a button silently as the elevator closed the doors.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:15 pm

Red glanced sharply at him before giving him the finger before beginning to drive. She silently glared back at him angrily before shaking her head and continuing to drive. Sooner or later, she parked on the outside of the apartments.

Ty nodded slowly and silently continued to glance down. He looked over at her time from time and smiled silently. "Soo..." He whispered.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

Post by Tigress Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:18 pm

Michael silently followed her in his car. He parked beside her and got out of his car silently. He looked at her and huffed.

Tigress glanced over at him quietly. "Sooo...." She murmured.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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The Bodyguard (Tigress) Empty Re: The Bodyguard (Tigress)

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