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Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:27 pm

Tigress glared at him angrily. "Why don't you fucking let me do what I want." She growled at him.

Michael chuckled happily before rolling around.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:17 pm

Caleb growled and smacked her arm away. "Fine, fucking be a bitch.." He mumbled before walking downstairs and into the kitchen.

Red giggled as she watched him. She playfully slapped Geoff. "And you said he was angry all the time!" She smirked at him. Geoff huffed angrily. "He is.."

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:22 pm

Tigress huffed angrily before silently walking out of the building. She sat down silently against the side of the building and closed her eyes.

Michael smirked and stood up. "Rage!!!!" He suddenly yelled and walked briskly out of the room, slamming the door.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:58 pm

Ryan sighed, his eyes dull. He was so worried.. Did he, do something wrong? He shook his head and sighed once again.

Red giggled and Geoff rolled his eyes but smirked. "Go get him!" She giggled happily and nodded as Geoff shoved her out the door. Red quickly and happily dashed after Michael.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:06 pm

Tigress sighed sadly and sat there silently.

Michael was walking briskly down the hallway. He chuckled softly as he walked.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:52 am

Ryan sighed before calling outside of the building. "Tigress?! You okay?" He asked worriedly, over protective brother mode activated.

Red giggled and happily ran over to him and jumped on his back. "Go Michael go!"

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:50 am

Tigress sighed and rolled her eyes, not even caring to answer him. She huffed softly and couldn't help but drift off to sleep.

Michael chuckled happily and started to spin around. "Hey!"

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:00 am

Ryan growled as he heard her huff. He glanced out a window at her and angrily walked out've the room and down to where she was.

Red giggled happily and held tightly onto him. She smiled and watched him quietly.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:26 pm

Tigress huffed in her shallow sleep and easily woke up as she heard him. She looked up at him and turned away silently.

Michael chuckled happily and continued to spin around. "Rage spin!!!"

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:12 pm

Ryan glanced at her. "The fuck is wrong with you?!" He asked her, clearly angry with his sister.

Red giggled and held tightly onto him. "Michael watch out!!" She smiled as she clenched her eyes closed, he continuing to spin.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:16 pm

Tigress rolled her eyes and huffed angrily. "Nothing..... I just need to cool off...." She answered.

Michael chuckled and slowly stopped. "Oy! Can you get off me!?" He asked.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:43 pm

Ryan growled at her. "Fucking cool off my ass? I'll fucking take you back to mom!" He said angrily.

Red giggled and nodded. She happily got off of him and smiled innocently.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:46 pm

Tigress looked up at him and growled angrily. "Fine then! Fucking take me back to mom! I hope you know that she fucking hates me! And so do you!" She yelled, tears springing up in her eyes. She silently stood up and started to walk away.

Michael grinned at her and chuckled. "What was that for!?" He asked happily and gently hugged her.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:52 pm

Ryan growled angrily. "Fucking bitch.. She will NEVER be my sister if she keeps acting like that.." He stomped back into the office before slipping into his and silently shutting the door.

Red blushed brightly and giggled. She shrugged. "I don't know!" She said happily.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:54 pm

Tigress walked silently down the street and sat down on a bench. She brought her knees to her chest and choked back a sob. They both had the same mother but..... Their fathers were different.....

Michael grinned at her before letting go of her and running off.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:09 pm

Jack quietly watched outside the window. He perked up as he saw Tigress. He quickly went downstairs and outside before running over to her and gently hugging her. "Hey.. Hey.. You okay..?" He asked worriedly.

Red giggled and groaned before quietly walking back to the recording office. She smiled as she glanced around. "The hell? What'd you guys do with my brother?"

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:13 pm

Tigress gently clung to him and let out a struggled sob. "Ill never be good enough...." She whimpered and closed her eyes tightly. Tigress was, in fact, an effect of an affair her mother had had. She wasn't wanted at home.....

Ray looked up from hugging a vase of roses. He shrugged happily before burying his nose into their petals and inhaling.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:18 pm

Jack gently stroked her hair and held her close. "What do you mean..? Your beautiful.." He whispered and sighed sadly at her.

Red glanced at him and rolled her eyes before glancing at Gavin. She smiled lightly at both of them.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:38 am

Tigress gently buried her face in his chest and cried softly. "M-My mom d-doesn't want m-me.... N-Now my brother doesn't even want me...." She whimpered.

Gavin looked at her and grinned. "Ya, he found his roses. Also I don't know. He just got up and left."

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:47 pm

Jack sighed and gently stroked her back. "That's terrible.. Who wouldn't want you?" He smiled lightly. "Your brother does want you.. He just get's angered easily."

Red giggled and nodded at Gavin's goofy grin. She gently sat down by him and quietly spun around in the chair.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:54 pm

Tigress just whimpered in response and clung onto him. "He doesn't act like it...."

Gavin chuckled as she did this and raised an eyebrow.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:08 pm

Jack sighed and nodded. "I know.. But in his heart he cares about you, alot... You and this job are his only things left.."

Red smiled and stopped right in front of him. "Hi Gavin!"

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:29 pm

Tigress shrugged and gently nuzzled him. "I-I just d-don't know what to do...." She whimpered as she clung to him.

Gavin grinned happily at her. "Hi!!" He said happily.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:55 pm

Jack shook his head. "I don't either.. I'm sorry, I have nothing to do with this.." He whispered and sighed.

Red giggled and nodded. She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

Post by Tigress Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:59 pm

Tigress nodded and nuzzled her nose into his neck. She closed her eyes and slowly started to drift off against him.

Gavin smirked evilly and grabbed her tongue. "Ha!"

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Beautiful (Private with Tigress) - Page 2 Empty Re: Beautiful (Private with Tigress)

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