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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:53 pm

I'll be:
Ty,Bash,Ian,Jack,Ryan, and Zek

James,Aleks,Sky,Seamus,Kevin, and Mitch

(U can choose who comes first)


Red smiled as she watched her parents finish the finishing touches on the outside of the house, ready for the party. She quietly glanced up, hearing a car coming down the driveway.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:55 pm

(Btw Red and Tigress know their parents' friends, but not their children)

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:57 pm

James sighed as he silently drove his parents towards their friends' house. He glanced around lightly as he drove. To be honest, he wasn't very happy about having to come here. He huffed as they parked in the driveway and all got out.

Tigress sighed in relief as she placed the food down on the table. She wiped her hands on an apron that she was wearing and looked around. Everything was finally finished for the party!

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:02 pm

Red raised an eyebrow. "Mom! Their here!" She called, her mom and dad nodding as they walked around. "Tell them to meet us inside!" They spoke before walking inside. Red smiled and happily led James' parents to the door before letting them inside. She huffed and turned around. "Don't really know what this party is for.." She spoke silently before glancing up at James, who stood at the doorway. "Aren't u gonna go in?"

Ty silently drove down the driveway. He huffed, not really caring. This was basically for all the parents.. He got out after he parked, his parents following to the door. 'Better be good...' He mumbled to himself in his head.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:07 pm

Janes shrugged lightly and looked at her. "I may as well...." He murmured before he sighed and walked inside. He looked around silently and huffed.

Tigress sighed as she opened the door as she heard them. "Come on in!" She said happily and grinned at her parents friends.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:11 pm

Red sighed silently before getting up and following him. She yelped lightly in shock as she bumped into his back. "Damn it!" She whispered before quickly glancing up at him before dashing off and onto the couch.

Ty huffed as he quietly sat on Tigress' porch while he checked his phone, his hair covering his face as he glanced down. His parents nodded happily and glanced around.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:15 pm

James raised an eyebrow and sighed. He silently walked into the living room and sat down. He closed his eyes silently and huffed.

Tigress looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you coming in?" She asked softly and folded her arms over her chest.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:18 pm

Red and James' parents talked and sat outside. Red genty glanced up at him and couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight of him. She gently scooted herself up before genty brushing her fingers against his beard.

Ty glared up at her silently and brushed a piece of hair out've his face. "I don't.. Have too.." He mumbled. "Thanks though." He shrugged and silently went back to his phone.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:22 pm

James looked at her and smiled gently. "What are you doing?" He asked softly and stretched lightly. Suddenly, the door opened and Aleks' parents walked in.

Tigress rolled her eyes and huffed angrily. "Fine then. Stay out here." She growled softly and walked inside silently.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:27 pm

Red blushed and swiftly pulled her hand away before waving silently. "My parents are outside." She spoke to Aleks' parents, who nodded and silently listened to her directions. Red silently waved up at Aleks.

Ty huffed angrily and silently sighed as he watched her walk off into the house. Bash and his parents opened the door, making Bash jump happily before running over to her. "Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Caelum! Call me Bash though!!"

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:30 pm

James huffed and glared angrily at Aleks. Aleks grinned widely as he saw Red and waved at her. He happily walked over to her and say down. "Hi I'm Aleks!!" He said happily.

Tigress smiled gently up at him. "Hi, I'm Tigress." She said happily and held out her hand for him to shake.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:40 pm

Red nodded and giggled softly. "Red.." She spoke softly before glancing over at James, then Aleks, and back. She giggled softly before sighing.

Bash's parents chuckled before quietly walking off to find the other parents. Bash smiled happily and nodded, shaking her hand happily and quickly. "Nice to meet you, Tigress! What's the deal with the guy outside?!"

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:45 pm

Aleks grinned widely and held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you!" He said gleefully, causing James to huff.

Tigress grinned and shrugged. "I have no idea!" She answered quietly and sighed. She then looked down silently.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:54 pm

Red nodded slowly and shook his hand. "You too.." She smiled silently before gently nuzzling against James' hand, glancing up at him silently and worriedly.

Ty huffed angrily and came inside. He flopped on the couch and crossed his arms before closing his eyes. Bash glanced over at Ty and waved. "Hi!!" Ty glanced up and nodded slowly.


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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:12 pm

James looked down at her and a small smile formed on his lips. He gently ruffled her hair and chuckled. "Hi..."

Tigress rolled her eyes, not even looking at Ty. "Well, Bash, there is food on the table in there and have anything you would like to drink."

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:49 pm

Red giggled softly and nodded. "Hi!" She quietly glanced at Aleks before perking up as she heard a car door shut outside. She quickly got up and looked outside, her eyes widening as she looked at Kevin.

Bash nodded and smiled, dashing into the kitchen. "Thanks!" He told her. Ty glanced up silently and coldly at Tigress.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:50 pm

Can I call u?

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:11 pm

Kevin sighed as he helped his parents out of the cat. He smiled gently at them before he walked up to the door. He blew out a sigh as he knocked on the door.

Tigress glared at Ty and rolled her eyes. "Don't look at me like that...." She growled angrily.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:32 pm

Red happily got up and opened the door. She told his parents the directions before they followed them. She silently waved up at Kevin before leading him to the living room.

Ty growled. "Your the ass who talked to me first.. If I don't wanna come in, I don't.." He mumbled.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:38 pm

Kevin grinned as he silently followed her. He stretched lightly and sighed softly. He glanced around silently and sighed softly. James looked at Kevin and nodded.

Tigress rolled her eyes angrily and growled. "I was just asking if you would like to come inside! How the fuck is that offensive!?" She growled.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:37 am

Red nodded silently before quietly sitting down. She sighed and silently yawned before quietly curling herself against the couch. She gently closed her eyes sleepily before slowly beginning to drift off into an uncomfortable sleep.

Ty mumbled and shrugged. "I'm not getting into a fucking argument just because of your ass." He grumbled silently before gently stretching.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:41 am

James looked at Red and smiled gently. He gently picked her up and cradled her against his chest. "Go to sleep..." He whispered happily.

Tigress rolled her eyes and huffed angrily. "If you don't want to be here then get the fuck out."

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:42 pm

Red giggled and smirked before glancing up at him and playfully smacking his cheek before slipping down from the couch and crawling behind Aleks.

Ty huffed and shrugged angrily before glancing up at Bash, who happily came back in and sat down on the couch, placing a drink in the cup holder.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Tigress Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:03 pm

Aleks looked at her and chuckled softly. "What are you doing?" He asked and picked her up. He grinned at her and started to run around. "Who wants a weirdo!?" He asked happily.

Tigress glared angrily at Ty before she spun around on her heels and walked outside. She huffed as she sat down on the stairs quietly.

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:36 pm

(Sorry been busy with homework)
Red giggled, clenching tightly onto him. As he ran around she grabbed ahold to Kevin's sleeve before stopping Aleks and held close to Kevin. "Kevin does!" She giggled teasingly.

Ty growled angrily before silently sighing and glancing down as Bash watched Tigress to sadly before quietly drinking his drink. Zek silently walked up alone to the house, seeing Tigress quietly. "Hey you okay?"

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Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title Empty Re: Private with Tigress because I can't figure out a title

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