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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:46 pm

Like the title?
Of course you do ;D
There's gonna be these peeps:
For Tigress: Zek,Ty,Bash,Jack,Ryan,Caleb,Jerome,Ian, and Seto.
For Red:
James,Aleks,Kevin,Sly,Sky,Mitch,Steven,Seamus, and Max :3:

So we start when they get kicked out:
(I'm gonna have this ALOT detailed, if that's okay)

Red huffed as she quickly grabbed her bags before dashing out. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" Her mom yelled angrily before throwing a beer bottle at her back, making her hiss and pain and quickly pick up her speed. Her eyes started to water before she shook them away angrily. She quietly continued to limp walk, her back hurting like hell as the glass sunk into her skin. As it became dark, she thought she saw two people following her. She quickly brought up her speed before one of the guys shoved her against a wall. "What're you doing out so late, girly?" The other man purred, making Red kick him in the shin before cutting the other man's wrist with her pocket knife. She gasped in pain from the glass. The 1st man growled. "You bitch!" He said as both him and his friend tried to dash after her as Red quietly limped quickly before falling to the ground, her world turning black.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:56 pm

Aleks and Sly were happily walking home when two guys shoved them away. They saw a girl limping as she tried to run away from them. Aleks and Sly nodded before running after the men. Sly grabbed one of the men and held him back. "The fuck do you think you're doing!?" Sly asked angrily as Aleks roughly grabbed the other one.

Tigress quickly grabbed her stuff and ran out of her room. "Get the fuck out of here!!!!" Her mother screamed and threw a knife at her. Tigress whimpered in pain as the knife went into her back and slipped deeper with every move she made. Despite this, she ran out of the house and into the street. She slowly pulled the knife out of her back and whimpered in pain. Her eyes quickly watered up as she walked, causing her to not see the men behind her. Suddenly, one man grabbed her and roughly pushed her against a wall. "You shouldn't be out here girly...." He grumbled in her ear as the other nodded.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:11 pm

The 1st man's eyes widened. "I-Im sorry w-we'll never do I-It again!!" He begged, the other man nodded as he glanced at Aleks with wide eyes. "P-Please just l-let us go!" He whimpered. Red was passed out on the concrete. She twitched once and a while, but that was it. Though she was lucky she was still breathing, she didn't know what was going on...

Ty and Zek where driving home. Zek shoved Ty and pointed to the girl who was getting molested by two men. Ty nodded and growled before both of them getting out after they stopped the car. Ty grabbed the one who held Tigress by the shirt collar. "What the fuck are you trying to do?!" He snarled, Zek nodding angrily as he grabbed the other one. "You don't treat ladies like that!"

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:20 pm

Aleks and Sly looked at each other before nodding. "If we ever see you out here doing that again..... We won't take mercy...." Aleks growled and roughly pushed them away. Aleks walked silently over to Red and gently picked her up. "We got you now...." He whispered and nodded at Sly. Sly nodded and they both silently started to walk towards their house.

Tigress had passed out from fear and shock. Her body crumbled down the wall and she stayed their silently. The men gulped in fear and glanced at each other. "We will never do it again! W-we promise!" They whimpered and looked at them nervously.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:25 pm

Red's body slowly curled up against Aleks' chest. She huffed as her body was a crumbled up mess. She couldn't even feel the pain in her back from the broken beer bottle and the glass digging deeper and deeper into it.

Ty growled. "Good, now get the fuck out've here!" He shoved both of them as Zek gently walked over and picked up Tigress' body. He glanced up worriedly at Ty. "She's hurt.. We better get her home." Ty nodded and they both slipped into the car, Tigress' body on Zek's lap. As they got home, Ty quietly took her body before walking into the house with Zek.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:53 pm

Aleks and Sly huffed softly as they continued up walk. "We will have to get some glass out of her back when we get home...." Aleks told Sly. He nodded and huffed. Once they got back home they silently ignored the looks they got and went into Aleks' room. They gently laid her down on his bed and Aleks sat by her. He timidly pulled her shirt and looked at her back Aleks gently started to pull the glass out.

Tigress huffed unconsciously and curled up closer to him. She gently clung to his shirt in her unconsciousness. Her eyes fluttered open lightly before closing yet again.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:30 pm

Red's eyes quickly flung open. She hissed in pain. "Fucking A!" She hissed, biting her lower lip as she gripped onto the sheets. She realized these 2 where helping her, but she didn't get a good look if it was the crooks or not. She clenched her teeth together to hold back a yell of pain.

Ty quietly walked in with Zek following. "What the fuck..?" Ryan whispered into Caleb's ear, making him shrug. Ty rolled his eyes and him and Zek silently walked into his room before placing Tigress down gently on her stomach. Ty reluctantly started to pull off her shirt. As he got it off, Zek slowly started to pull out the knife.


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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:08 pm

Sly quickly got down and gently stroked her hair. "Shhhh.... It's ok.... I know it hurts...." He whispered as Aleks continued gently. Aleks gulped lightly and looked at Sly worriedly. "Hey.... Can you go get some band aids or something?...." He asked.

Tigress instantly drew up, accidentally causing the knife to sink back into her. "F-Fuck!" She cried out in pain.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:17 pm

Red sighed in relief as she realized these weren't the crooks. "T-thank you..." She whispered weakly and glanced up at Sly. She gently nuzzled against his hand and gently closed her eyes.

Ty growled. "You idiot! Stay still or it'll continue to go into you!" He growled before Zek quietly tried to keep her still as he gently tried to pull out the knife again.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:23 pm

Sly nodded and smiled gently at her. "Ill be right back.... I've got to get something to cover up the places where the glass was...." He whispered and got up. He quickly came back with some gauze and surgical tape. He gently kneeled by her again and smiled at her. "I'm back...."

Tigress whimpered in pain and clung to the blankets. Her eyes filled with tears from the pain and she looked over at them nervously. She didn't think they were the bad guys..... But wait! Where the fuck was her shirt!?

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:52 pm

Red nodded and sighed in relief. "I-is all t-the glass o-out..?" She whimpered and her gaze slowly fixed on him. Shaggy black hair,dark brown eyes, glasses.. She smiled softly. "T-thank you.." Her gaze slowly fixed on Aleks, then back at Sly.

Zek gently pulled the rest of the knife out and Ty nodded before grabbing the surgical tape and gently let Zek lift up her body as Ty wrapped it around her a couple of times until it covered the wound.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:57 pm

Sly smiled and nodded. "Just let Aleks tape you up....." He whispered. Aleks did a quick check on her back to make sure all the glass was gone. He then started to gently tape the gauze on her wounds. Once that was done they pulled her shirt back down and smiled. "I'm Sly..." Sly introduced himself. "This is Aleks." Aleks waved at her.

Tigress looked around fearfully. She wasn't completely sure they were good guys or just bad guys who decided to patch her up before they got what they wanted...... "W-Where is my shirt?" She asked nervously.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:02 pm

Red smiled and sighed in relief before sitting up slowly. "Red.." She gently giggled at Aleks' wave. "And thank you.. Again.. This is the only time in my life I'm not abused or molested..." She sighed. "My mom kicked me out.. She was a drunk, and that glass was a broken beer bottle.." She sighed once more and glanced down.

Ty nodded and gently handed her her shirt. "Are you okay..?" Zek asked worriedly. "Yeah, you where getting attacked by two jerk-ass rapists..." Ty mumbled. "What happened to you anyways?" Zek asked, curious. "Oh yeah.. I'm Zek." He introduced. "Ty." Ty mumbled.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:14 pm

Sly's eyes suddenly became full of concern and kindness. "We would never hurt you..... I can't believe someone would...." Sly gently stroked her hair and smiled. "You want something to eat? Afterwards we can out you on a movie or something and you can take a nap." Sly suggested worriedly.

Tigress looked down sadly. "Tigress, also.... My mom kicked me out.... She never liked or wanted me and so when I left she threw that knife in my back..... Then those two guys came and.... I blacked out...." She whimpered sadly.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:28 pm

Red shook her head and smiled at his kindness. "Thank you though.. You guys don't have to pity me.." She chuckled softly. "Though I am hungry.. You guys could order pizza for all of us.." She smiled and gently hugged him both before shakily and slowly sitting back down.

Ty and Zek's eyes widened. "Wow.. I'm sorry about that..." Zek said sadly, his voice filled of worry and kindness. "If you need anything, let us know, okay?" He smiled at her, Ty huffed and nodded silently. "You hungry?" Ty asked and glanced up at her.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:34 pm

Sly smiled and nodded. "What is your favorite kind of pizza? Would you like something to help with the pain?" He asked quickly. Aleks rolled his eyes and smiled. "Here. Let me help you lay down.... You deserve to rest.... You can stay here as long as you need...."

Tigress looked down nervously. "I am a bit hungry..... I don't want to trouble you guys though....." She whispered sadly. She closed her eyes and sighed softly.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:39 pm

Red smiled. "Thank you Aleks.." She glanced at him happily. "I'll just take sausage,bacon, and cheese.." She sighed happily and gently leaned her head back and closed her eyes silently. "You guys are so nice.. This is better then my past life..."

Zek shook his head and gently took her hand. "No it's okay.. What would you like?" He smiled softly at her. "Something to heal your pain?" He suggested/asked. Ty rolled his eyes. "Are you tired, Tigress?"

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:46 pm

Aleks and Sly nodded. Sly ran off to order the pizza and Aleks gently picked her up. He pulled down the blankets before gently laying her down. He gently pulled the blankets up to her chin and smiled. "You comfy?" He asked as he grabbed a thing of Tylenol out of a drawer. He handed it to her and got her a glass of water. "Here...."

Tigress shrugged and smiled. "Some Tylenol or something would help.... Also I don't care...." She answered and smiled at Ty. "Also, I am kind of tired but I would like to help with anything if I can...." She answered and looked down.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:02 pm

Red smiled and nodded. "Thank you.." She gently leaned up and pecked his cheek before gently placing the Tylenol in her mouth and then the water. She swallowed both before curling up in the blankets happily. She gently huffed happily and slowly closed her eyes.

Zek quietly watched them. Ty nodded and smiled as he walked into his bathroom before grabbing some Tylenol and a glass of water. He gently handed it to her "Here.." He said and gently sat back down by Zek.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:09 pm

Aleks nodded and sat down in a chair. He leaned back and happily closed his eyes. Sly slowly came back in and smiled. He looked at Red and stretched gently. She looked so cute..... Or at least that's what they thought.

Tigress smiled gently at him and quietly took the Tylenol. She smiled at him and sighed softly. "Is there anything I can do for you guys?" She asked quietly.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:19 pm

Red curled into herself and huffed happily. She smiled softly into her sleep. She sighed happily and gently yawned. She curled under the sheets quietly. She was so comfortable.. And she never felt this way in a long time..

Ty shook his head. "Thank you, though." Zek smiled before placing the covers over her. He quietly nodded. "Do you want anything to eat?" Ty asked and quietly glanced down at her.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:23 pm

Sly quietly walked over to her and gently stroked her hair. "Sleep tight...." He whispered before kissing her forehead. He quietly left the room, leaving her with Aleks. Aleks watched her silently before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Tigress shrugged lightly and looked down. "I kind of would but you are already doing enough for me...." She answered and glanced up at him.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:27 pm

Red quietly awoke sooner or later to the noise of several people coming downstairs. She huffed. "That can't just be Aleks and Sly.." She grumbled as she got up and gently heard the door close. "Pizzas here.. I think.." She m umbled before slowly walking out've Aleks' room and cautiously downstairs. She gazed at everyone quietly and gently scrunched down.

Zek shook his head. "It's never too much for someone whose life was broken.." He whispered and smiled at her. Ty huffed and rolled his eyes at Zek. "Mother fucker.." He mumbled under his breath. Zek smiled. "What would you like?"

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Tigress Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:30 pm

Aleks glanced over just in time to see her. He silently parted from the others and walked over to her. "It's fine... Come in Red... No one will hurt you here...." He whispered and gently laced their hands together. Sky looked over and saw Aleks. He shrugged happily.

Tigress shrugged and smiled lightly. "Anything is fine.... Thank you...." She answered and smiled at him.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:37 pm

Red blushed brightly as he laced their hands together. She gently gazed into his eyes and blushed before gently glancing down. Her hands became warm against his slowly.

Zek nodded and quietly went off to order something. Ty smiled as he gently watched her and took Zek's spot. "Hi.." He smiled, his hair draping over his face slightly.

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Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3) Empty Re: Behind The Smiles (Tigress :3)

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