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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:27 pm

Aurora Lights Pack:
Imagine a young child sitting out in the woods, playing with a strange wooden toy an old lady gave them. Suddenly, light bursts out from the old toy and towards the child. Once the light disappears the child is no longer a child. It is now a creature of the ice, a peaceful, delicate, yet strangely strong and very cold creature. The child, being to afraid to tell there parents what happened, runs off and into the woods. Finally, it reaches a large mountain summit when a large creature steps out of the snow. "Be calm young one..... You are safe here..." The words of the strange creature instantly calms the child. "Follow me...." It murmurs and starts to walk away. The child instantly follows it quickly and realizes it is back to normal. It looks at the creature and realizes it is now a beautiful young woman. "Welcome to the city of the ice...." She murmured. The child looks around and gasps in shock. The land is now a beautiful winter wonderland full of creatures and people alike. In the middle is a large like that turns into lava in the middle. "As long as you do not enter the other packs land you will be safe. You may turn into a creature or human as you please. In both ways you may control ice...... Have fun...." She told the child and is suddenly gone. What will you do in this pack?......

Burst of Flames Pack: (Credit goes to RedTheWolf)
A young child cowered in the corner their burning home. Flames surrounded them and etched closer and closer to the child with each passing second. Just when the child closed its eyes in fear, strong arms picked it up. "Do not fear young one...." The now seen creature told the child. Wings came out of its back before the creature lifted off. It flew for quiet a while with the child cradled in its arms silently. When it finally landed the child yelped in shock at the heat of the land. "Welcome to your new home..." The creature sighed out. Once the child look up it realized a creature was not standing there. It was now a man. "You may do anything you wish." He told the child before he was gone.

Creature looks:
Human looks:

My form:
Name: Elsa
Age: 25
Rank: leader/greater
Pack: Aurora Lights
Personality: quiet, kind, cold to flame pack, loves children
Gender: female
Creature: is a light blue/white color with a doe like figure. It has large ears and is covered in fur. It has a tail like dog/wolf and silver eyes like a cat.  It's body is also somewhat like a large fox and it has paws like a big cat.
Human: has long white hair with silver eyes. She has light skin and a regal posture. She always wears light blue clothes with snowflakes and fur stretched into them. She also has a tattoo of a snowflake on her shoulder.
Crush: no one
Mate: no one

Other form:
Name: Angelus
Pack: Burst of Flames
Personality: cold, mostly silently, smart, brutal
Creature: is a large red creature with four legs, the first two are more like arms. He is covered in scales and fur. The fur is a gingerish color while the scales are a bright red. He has two large, bat like wings. His face is shaped like a wolf.
Human: he has dark finger hair that is cut short. He never wears a shirt, showing off his muscular chest. He has a tattoo of a black flame on his arm and red eyes.
Crush: nope
Mate: nope

•No "oh my character can do this and this while your character just dies
•you may have a crush from the other element but it must be very secretive, because when one touches the other it would hurt them.
•leader chooses deputy.
•no controlling other people's characters
•do not copy characters
•you must ask me if your character may be half Aurora Lights and half Burst of Flames

Aurora Lights Pack:
Deputy: (no one yet and I will choose)
Swordmen teachers:
Martial art teachers:
Creature fighting teachers:
Hunting teachers:
Warriors: Blizzard, Frost, Cody, Makayla
Hunters: Frost, Cody
Students: Macy

Burst of Flames Pack:
Leader: Angelus
Deputy: (no one yet, I will choose)
Swordmen teachers:
Martial art teachers:
Creature fighting teachers:
Hunting teachers:
Warriors: Nova, Red, Aleks, Kevin
Children: Tony

(Sorry if this sucks xD)

Last edited by Tigress on Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:46 pm; edited 17 times in total

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:52 pm

What do you need help with?
Other pack names?

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:53 pm

Just tell me Smile

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:57 pm

The other pack in general. It's going to do with fire and lava but I don't know what there story could be.

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:02 pm

The pack should be called The Burst of Flames pack or something similar to that.
Maybe the story could be about a small child was stuck in a burning house, though only to be saved by the character your going to create? And when they go to the other place maybe it's filled with pools of lava and it's hot, and I mean HOT there. Flames are burning as well.

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:02 pm

Btw can I make something similar to this?

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:08 pm

Hmmmm I like that! ^.^ How similar are we talking?

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:11 pm

Just by humans turning into wolves and having powers.
That's it though can u give me credit for the story? :3

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:11 pm

I might just put it on the other site though

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Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:20 pm

Of course and sure. I don't mind. ^^ I'm glad my thing can inspire ideas!

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:21 pm

Very Happy
Yay thank you!

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:38 pm

No problem. You can create your characters if you want.

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:57 pm

(Btw I think u should make a air pack :3 like, call it:
The flight of air pack it would be cool, I can help u out if you want)

Name: Nova
Age: 23
Rank: fighter/hunter/ warrior, whatever XD
Wished rank: beta
Pack: burst of flames
Personality: will be rped
Gender: male of course Razz
Creature: muscular black creature, similair to a wolf, though it has long, two sharp front fangs. Has red paws and a pelt with a flame like marking. Also has a red tail tip and ear tips too. Has large, dark gray, almost black bat wings.
Human: you people seen what my beebee looks like.
Crush: Red :3
Mate: nope

Name: Aleks
Age: 21
Rank: warrior/WAHTEVER
Wished rank: dat beta
Pack:Aurora Lights
Personality: will be rped
Gender: male
Creature: muscular dark gray, almost black jaguar like creature with a wolf shaped face. Has light gray, large dragon wings and a sharp, dragon tail. Has a white slash on chest,long white paws,and black stripes and ear tips.
Human: ... You seen him bitches
Crush: dat Red :3
Mate: NOPE

Name: Red
Age: 19
Rank: warrior/WAHTEVER
Pack: Burst of Flames
Personality: will be rped
Gender: female
Creature: swift red wolf with long sharp claws and sharp teeth. Has black paws,chest,tail tip,ears, and stripes.
Has large, black and gray falcon wings.
Human: has long, straight, brown hair with blue green eyes. She's probably 5'6, 5'7 in height. She wears a black hoodie with red pants, having a white stripe on both sides of the pants that go down to the end of it.
Mate: nope

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:03 pm

Your up!

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:06 pm



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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:14 pm

Want me to go ahead and make the place to rp on?

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:18 pm

Yes please :3

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:24 pm

It's up

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by p u m a Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:44 pm

Guys this is just BAD FUCKING ASS O.O

Name: Ember
Age: 19
Rank: Hunter/Fighter
Pack: Burst of Flames
Gender: Female
Personality: Will be RPed
Creature: A badass dragon >.< Its a maroon blod red dragon with bright amber eyes and the ability to set fire to herself without damage.
Human: Long, Dusty brown colored hair with red highlights,She has sharp blue hot eyes and a black tatoo of a dragon she keeps hidden with a fingerless glove.
Crush: None
Mate: None

And their all NICE to each other lol
p u m a
p u m a

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:49 pm

Your up!! Smile

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by p u m a Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:55 pm

xD Yeessshhh
p u m a
p u m a

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Location : Under yo bed ._.

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:22 am

Name: Kevin
Age: 19
Rank: Warrior
Gender: male
Pack: Aurora Lights
Personality: will be rped
Creature: light gray wolf like creature with black stripes,toes,ear tips, and tail tip. Has white paws and chest. Also has large, white,gray,light gray, with black striped hawk wings on his back.

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:22 am

Crush: ... Red
Mate: nope

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Tigress Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:25 am

Could you make someone for Elsa? .3.

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You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms) Empty Re: You Could Try and Take Us.... But We're the Gladiators.... (Forms)

Post by Red_The_Wolf Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:29 am

Hold on

Name: Blizzard
Age: 26
Rank: warrior
Gender: male
Pack: aurora lights
Personality: will be rped
Creature: a tall, muscular white lynx creature with saber tooth fangs. Has light gray ear tips,flecks,chest,tail, and toes. Though cant fly, can be very powerful and has a strong, ferocious bite.
Human: has somewhat long black hair that covers part of his icy blue eyes. Has a light gray hoodie with blue jeans.
He is pretty muscular and has a necklace with a snowflake on it.
Crush: ...
Mate: Elsa, if that's okay.

(is Kevin okay though.. ? .3.)

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