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Kings So Cold

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Kings So Cold Empty Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:57 pm

Kings so cold

You are: Adam,Jason, and Mitch.
I am: Bash, Ty, and Kermit.

(I'm gonna make it detailed)

Red silently sat upstairs in her house, glancing out the window with binoculars. She gazed out to see the gigantic Butter castle, who belonged to the King, King Adam. She huffed and glanced down before placing her binoculars away and walking downstairs silently. She didn't like this guy, she really didn't.. She gazed around before walking out've her house and into the town. She smirked, 'might as well cause trouble.. The king can't kill me or anything...' She silently walked around the small town and glanced into windows, before someone was outside calling the king. Sooner or later, some of the town guards took her to the King.
She was now standing in front of the King. "I'm sure you got this, King Adam." The Guards spoke before leaving the room.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:04 pm

Adam glared down at her and silently studied her behind his sunglasses. He tapped his budder throne silently and glared at her, wondering what exactly to tell the troublemaker this time. He raised an eyebrow lightly as he studied her silently, he truly had no words for her. (Why is she there? What did she do?)

Tigress smirked as she looked out her window with her binoculars, staring at the large watermelon castle. She put away her binoculars and smirked as she stood up. "Time for trouble!" She said happily and grinned at her pet enderman. Yes, she had a pet enderman. She had saved him from the king, king Bashurverse, when he had tried to kill him. The enderman simply stared at her causing her to shrug. "We'll I'm off! Don't touch the main blocks of our house." She warned before walking outside.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:12 pm

(She was glancing into people's house windows and maybe breaking a few pots)

Red smirked as she glared at him she silently stretched out her hands before silently gazing at him through his sunglasses. "Speechless, just what I thought." She spoke, the smirk still visible on her face. She didn't care, he really would try anything to stop her troublemaking...

Bash mumbled silently as he gazed down at the town from the highest window of his castle, which where his office is. He smiled as he gazed around before glaring at the troublemaker. "Tigress.." He said coldly and clenched his hands into fists, remembering her troublemaking several times..

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:18 pm

Sky growled softly and stood up. "When will you stop this fucking childish behavior!?" He asked angrily and started towards her. He instantly stopped then and huffed. He silently ran a hand through his hair and growled. He then started to pace silently in front of his throne.

Tigress smirked as she silently pulled on a black cape. She pulled up the good before she took off through town. She smirked as she skidded under a man's watermelon selling cart. She instantly stood back up before she took off again.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:24 pm

Red smirked before growling. She walked over to him and got up into his face, their noses touching. "When your gone.." She spoke, smirking. "Fucking kill me, put me in jail, fucking do something! Are you that WEAK to do that?!" She asked angrily.

Bash growled as he watched her. "Fucker!" He snarled and shook his head, gently watching her angrily. Soon, two guards had captured Tigress and took her to Bash's office. They left and left her there with Bash. Bash glared at her angrily, eyes burning through his glasses.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:31 pm

Adam growled in anger and glared at her. He pushed her away from him and growled. "I will not put you in jail! But if you don't not stop these childish ways I will have you sent to your death!" He roared in anger.

Tigress smirked at him and did a teasing curtesy. "Oh hello again your royal highness." She said teasingly. She laughed and leaned against the wall before crossing her legs silently.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:34 pm

Red smirked. "Fine by me, but you'll miss me. You yelling at me is fucking hot." She teased and gazed up at him. "Don't shove me away again, you never knew how to love and never will, that's why your always alone and cold!" She spoke angrily at him.

Bash rolled his eyes and growled. He stood silently and crossed his arms as he glared at her silently. He didn't wanna speak to this troublemaker.. He didn't even have time! "What the fuck did you do this time?"

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:38 pm

Adam rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. "I've never needed love and I never will. Now why don't you get out of my sight before your taxes increase." He glared at her.

Tigress laughed bitterly and shrugged silently. "Don't ask me. I don't know." She answered and pulled the hood down silently.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:59 pm

Red growled and shook her head. "Go ahead." She huffed angrily and clenched her fists to her sides, turning her knuckles white. "I wanna fight you." She glared into his sunglasses, burning deeply into his eyes.

Bash rolled his eyes and grumbled. "Yeah sure.." He mumbled silently. He continued to glare at her, silently examining her. "What exactly have you been doing?" He asked curiously.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:08 pm

Sky rolled his eyes and glared at her. "I said fucking leave!!!!" He roared in anger. He was clearly very angry with her abs didn't care about what she said.

Tigress rolled her eyes and huffed angrily. "What are you a stalker now?" She asked bitterly.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:15 pm

(Lol he jealous of my abs oh, and ADAM)

Red growled before silently stomping away. She mumbled and walked back to her house. "Fucking king..." She mumbled angrily and sat down on her couch after she slammed the door.

Bash growled. "No, I'm curious about what the fuck you've been doing." He snarled. "And if you don't wanna tell me, just leave." He viciously shoved her out the door as he got close to her before angrily walking back to his throne.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:23 pm

Adam growled in anger as he silently sat down on his throne. "Fucking idiotic girl....." He growled and glared at the door where she had left. He huffed crossed his arms over his chest.

Tigress yelped in shock as she fell backwards from where he had shoved her. She glared up at him with tears in her eyes and stood up. "I fucking hate you!!! You are so cold hearted and selfish that no one will ever love you!!!!" She roared.

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Location : Psssssshhhhhhhhh why the crap should I tell you were I am? .3.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:31 pm

(Tigress... He shoved her out the door .-.)

Red huffed silently and gently closed her eyes. She grumbled, remembering the dance was tomorrow night.. She sighed and gently glanced up at the ceiling. She quietly closed her eyes and silently began to fall asleep as the sun began to droop down behind the mountains behind the castle.

Bash growled and rolled his eyes, hearing her muffled screams of anger. "Well if you fucking stop acting like a fucking child, maybe I won't be so cold-hearted and selfish!!" He growled angrily, loud enough for her to hear on the other side of the door.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:35 pm

(I know .3. I just thought he didn't close the door)
Adam huffed and stood up. He silently walked into his chamber to sleep and laid down on his bed. He gently took a pillow and crushed it to his chest before he started to fall asleep.

Tigress growled in anger and dashed out of the castle. She silently ran to her house and threw her arms around her pet enderman. "Oh Endy! He just gets worse everyday!" She sobbed as the enderman silently looked down at her.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:32 am

Red silently awoke and huffed. She mumbled and silently got out've her bed, glancing down as she saw her tamed wolf happily sitting there on the bed. She smile and gently patted his head. "Good Kudjo.." She spoke softly.
~Imma skip to the dance because I can~
Red silently walked into the giant King's castle once again. Her eyes widened as the ballroom was HUGE! And already full of a few people. The lights where dimmed and it was so cool looking! Red gently fixed her blue and white dress before gazing around, hoping the King wouldn't see her.

Bash grumbled and silently walked into his chamber. He huffed angrily before flopping onto his bed, curling up into his blankets, and falling asleep. He grumbled, tossing and turning at some points.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:40 am

Adam sighed as he talked to some people softly. They all smiled and were trying to get on his good side, which annoyed him. He silently walked away from them and huffed.

Tigress silently fell asleep against her enderman. She slowly woke up the next morning and huffed. She silently got up and started to get ready for the ball.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:47 am

Red's eyes widened in astonishment. The king was wearing FULL butter armor! Red shook the thought away before silently glancing around and smirking. "This music is not good enough..." She silently walked to the giant juke box before changing the music to something more dancing like she smirked and leaned against the jukebox, seeing everyone beginning to dance.

Bash gently awoke and grumbled. He sighed and gently began to walk to his closet and decided what to wear. He silently smirked as he picked out green armor with red splatters around it.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:52 pm

Adam stopped as the music changed and he growled in anger. "Red!" He roared before he started towards her. He was getting so tired of this girl!!!

Tigress smirked as she placed on a long, flowing black dress with dark red stripes showing across the whole thing. She smiled at her enderman before she silently walked out of her house and towards the castle.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:12 pm

Red glared at him, something mischievous in her eyes. As he got close enough, she quickly grabbed his hands before spinning him around. "Come on King! You at least have to dance!" She smirked.

Bash silently greeted a few people as they came in. He smiled and snickered at some points before nodded and shrugged at the other. He smirked as he glanced at his armor he was wearing.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:59 pm

Adam growled in anger and pulled away from her arms. "Stop that you fool!" He growled and blushed. He silently glared at her and huffed.

Tigress smirked as she easily by passed the king. She looked at his armor and rolled her eyes silently.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:08 pm

Red snickered. "You probably even don't know how to dance! Come on Adam!" She pulled on one of his arms, her eyes turning into sadness gently.

Bash glared at her and rolled his eyes. He huffed and silently walked off to talk to other people. He snickered and nodded as he spoke to Kermit.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:38 pm

Adam glared at her before he swiftly turned his back on her and started to walk away. He didnt have time for her... He silently walked over to a group of people and started talking.

Tigress yawned as she listened to the music. 'This needs some better music....' She thought before walking over to the jukebox(or whatever) and changed the music to a song that people could dance to.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:34 pm

Red sadly watched him walk away. She sighed and quickly walked over to him. She silently hugged him from behind, not giving a shit if he tried to prod her off of him or moved away again.

Bash glared at her and growled. "Tigress! I'm fucking done with you!" He quickly walked over to her and stood face to face with her. "Why? Why the fuck do you hate me?!"

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Tigress Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:43 pm

Adam instantly stopped moving and blushed brightly. He glanced at her and sighed. "Red... Please stop...." He murmured softly.

Tigress gave him a sly smirk before she gently held onto his hands. "Come on King Bashy! Lets dance!" She teased and started to pull him towards the dance floor.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:50 pm

Red shook her head and whimpered. "No..." She spoke softly, clinging tighter onto him. She didn't know why, but she actually began to have feelings for this guy...

Bash growled and shook his head. He jerked his hands away, blushing brightly. He glared angrily at her before stomping off and away.

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Kings So Cold Empty Re: Kings So Cold

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