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RT Convention

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:50 pm

Burnie smiled and nodded. "Your right. We should go."

Tigress smiled at him. "Hi, I'm Tigress."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:58 pm

Red nodded and smiled, "goodbye guys!" As they said goodbye, they silently left and went to their hotel rooms.
"So.. Where am I supposed to stay?" She smiled gently.

Daniel nodded happily. "Nice to meet you, and get to work with you, Tigress." Kyle, Chris, and Roman quietly walked over to them. "This is Kyle, Chris, and Roman." They all nodded and smiled.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:37 pm

Burner smiled gently at her. "You can share a room with Michael and Gavin. They have three beds in their room."

Tigress smiled gently at them. "I'm Tigress."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:10 am

(Oh damn you planned this, didnt you?)

Red smiled and nodded. She squealed happily. She couldn't believe this was happening! She quietly walked into her new room, sitting her bags besides the wall. "Um.. Hey, guys.." She blushed before gently seeing Michael was completely yelling at Gavin.

"Nice to meet you, Tigress." Roman smiled and quietly fixed his glasses. "Okay guys, enough buddy buddy. We gotta get out've here and back to the hotel." Jack told them.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:15 am

Gavin looked up at her, looking like a little puppy that had just been scolded. Michael glanced over at her before he continued to yell.

Tigress nodded and smiled gently.
(Skip to hotel? And yes. I did.)

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:46 am

Red huffed and gently shoved Michael. "Tell me what the fuck happened." She glared at him, sadly gazing over at Gavin.


Jack quietly nodded at Tigress. "Your room is gonna be with Joel and Miles, since they have an extra bed."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:36 pm

Michael glared at her. "Ill never tell...." He growled.

Tigress blushed and slowly nodded. "Okay..."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:54 pm

Red gazed at him and growled slightly. "Fine.." She mumbled and flopped onto the bed that separated Michael's and Gavin's.

Miles happily grabbed her bags as the others walked into their rooms. He quietly sat them down and gazed over at Joel, who smirked and was snuggled into the blankets. "Hi.." He murmured.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:10 pm

Gavin sat on his bed and stared at her while Michael left to change.

Tigress smiled gently at them. "Hi."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:39 pm

Red sighed and gently got up. She sat besides him and smiled, hugging him gently. "What's wrong..? Why won't Michael tell me?" She asked sadly.

Joel gently waved and Miles rolled his eyes, chuckling gently. "Okay, Tigress my friend, you can have.." Miles flopped on the bed that neither him nor Joel used. "This bed." He smiled up at her and chuckled happily.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:45 pm

Gavin shook his head and silently hugged her.

Tigress giggled and nodded happily. "Okay!!!"

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:33 pm

Red sighed and gently nuzzled him. "Why won't you guys tell me..?" She asked worriedly. Something was up, and she was the new employee. Did Michael not like her? What was up?

Miles bursted out laughing, Joel coming out've his blankets and snickering loudly, which turned into laughter. They both cupped their hands around their mouths and laughed there. "Oh my god.." Miles sniffed gently and chuckled, shaking his head. "You'll fit in just fine."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:51 pm

Gavin silently hugged her tightly. "I'm an idiot..." He whimpered.

Tigress giggled and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, im going to change." She told them and picked up her clothes before she walked away.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:13 pm

Red shook her head and gently pecked his cheek. "No, your not..your awesome and one of the funniest people I know. I'm sure you make all yours fans out there smile.." She gently stroked his hair before getting up and gently flopping onto her bed. She gazed up at Michael, who had his glasses off and his pajamas on. "Took you long enough. What where you doing in there? Taking a selfie?" She smirked.

Joel and Miles smirked and nodded, watching her go and change. "She's cool, she'll perfectly fit in with us!" Miles said happily. Joel smiled and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we know that-" he paused. "Wait, Miles, you like her, don't you?"

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:42 pm

Michael rolled his eyes angrily. "None of your beeswax." He answered.

Tigress came back with her pajamas on and her glasses off. She flopped onto her bed and sighed happily.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:14 pm

Red glared at him silently. She huffed angrily and silently got up, grabbing her pajamas before walking into the bathroom. She silently walked out after she changed and placed her old clothes in her bag. She silently flopped onto her bed and glared at Michael.

(Maybe Michael and Gavin fought because of something to do with Red?)

Miles looked at Joel and shook his head, glaring at him before flipping himself over and turning off the lights in the room. He closed his eyes and huffed, Joel's phone the only light in the room, since he was hanging on it.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:26 pm

Michael silently laid down and closed his eyes. He easily fell asleep.

Tigress laid there silently, unable to fall asleep.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:30 pm

Red sighed and quietly rolled over to look at Gavin through the dark. She sighed before closing her eyes quietly and falling asleep.

Red silently woke up and yawned. She sighed and gazed over at Michael. She gently got up and quietly walked over to his bed and sat down gently on her knees. She silently reached up and stroked his hair.

Joel gently gazed over at her through the darkness. "What's wrong? Can't sleep?" He asked and quietly placed his phone away.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:32 pm

Michael sighed happily as he felt her touch his hair. He gently moved closer to her happily.

Tigress nodded quietly. "Okay."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:44 pm

Red smiled and gently sighed. "Why are you always like this..? Why do you yell...? You look so peaceful when you sleep though...." She spoke gently.

(What that made no sense ._.)

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:48 pm

(Shhdhhjrbdd I meant to put she said yes.)

Michael gently rolled over lightly and hugged her.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:45 pm

Red yelped lightly in shock before gently smiling. "Heh.. Michael.." She whispered, blushing gently. She bent her head down slowly and lightly pecked his forehead.

Joel nodded. "What usually helps you sleep if you can't?" He asked gently. Miles mumbled and quietly perked his head up. "What the hell guys..?" He mumbled.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:39 am

Michael sighed happily and gently pulled her closer. "Red...." He murmured happily.

Tigress shrugged gently. "Not really anything.... And sorry Miles..."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Red_The_Wolf Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:09 pm

Red gently yelped in shock as he pulled her closer. She gently sighed and shook her head, smiling. She quietly buried herself against him happily.

Miles shrugged and smiled drowsily. "It's fine.." He slowly closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Joel nodded silently. "You need cuddles?" He smirked at her playfully.

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

Post by Tigress Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:12 pm

Michael huffed happily and gently nuzzled close to her. "Mine..." He purred.

Tigress blushed brightly and rolled her eyes. "Shut up..."

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RT Convention - Page 2 Empty Re: RT Convention

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