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Technology RP

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Technology RP Empty Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:44 pm

Nova quietly sat on top of the leader and deputy cabin. He gazed around the camp and smiled as he pulled out his 2 Katanas and gently brushed his fingers over them.

Sky quietly nodded as Seamus and Mitch walked into the camp, Mitch holding 2 plump rabbits and Seamus holding a rabbit and a squirrel. "Good job guys." He smiled as Seamus and Mitch placed their prey into the middle of camp. Sky glanced at Mitch. "I still need a deputy.." He whispered.

Red quietly stretched before glancing around as she sat on a rock that jutted up towards the sky. The sun beamed down onto the camp.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:49 pm

Silver quietly walked outside, her pink jacket zipped tightly on her as the weather dropped. She made her way towards a bench and sat on it, taking off her back pack and taking out a pencil and her notebook and began sketching.

Pisces Posts : 776
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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by p u m a Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:50 pm

Cody sat in the middle of camp sharpening his axe, running his fingers over the glyphs.

Emma and Joe entered camp hauling a large buck. "We hit the jackpot," Emma said in triumph. Joe agreed. "Yep, we're eating venison tonight." He said smiling
p u m a
p u m a

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:53 pm

Sky nodded and rolled his eyes silently at Emma and Joe. "Nice job.." He mumbled softly at the end before high fiving both Mitch and Seamus before all three silently climbed to the top of the leader and deputy cabin where Nova was sitting, the sun shining down on them.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:54 pm

Bodil, or Martin, silently walked out of the cave he kept the medicine in. He huffed. "Damn it, it's hard to keep all the medicine with one healer.." He said quietly as he gazed around camp.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:59 pm

Silver got up and put her jornual and other stuff down and made her way over to a bush, it was a holly bush! They barely had any here and it was a very useful herb. "Hey guys! Look what I got!" She yelled over to them, showing them her pocket full of holy berries and juniper berries.

Pisces Posts : 776
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Age : 25
Location : Zone 0 with The Judge and Zacharie

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:02 am

Martin turned over and smiled. He happily raced over. "Thank you! Holy shit I need these!" He happily, but gently hugged her so he didn't crush the berries. He quietly grabbed some leaves so he could carry them back.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by p u m a Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:04 am

Emma walked by Mitch who was setting down the rabbits. "Nice catch, I really like y-" She caught herself from saying 'you'. "-your rabbits. I like rabbit legs," She said, a wisp of dustybrown colored hair coming out from behind her ear due to the breeze. She managed a smile.

Joe walked over to Cody and had a conversation. Cody laughed and held up his hand. Joe smiled and took it and Cody helped him onto the rock and sharpened their blades.
p u m a
p u m a

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:07 am

Mitch rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure.." He chuckled nervously before getting up. He quietly got up glanced at her. He shrugged and silently walked up and on top of the leader cabin with Seamus,Nova, and Sky. He smirked as Sky and him fist bumped.

Red silently watched Emma and rolled her eyes. "Really?" She asked. "That's not gonna get you any better, he doesn't have time for love, look at all four of them, their legends.. Their always busy, they only care for all of us as friends." She mumbled.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:15 am

I'm gonna say that Silver wants to be a healer instead....Don't tell Silvery I used her OC o.o

Pisces Posts : 776
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Age : 25
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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:16 am

(Lol XD okay)

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by p u m a Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:18 am

Emma nodded unhappily. This was getting her nowhere. She decided during dinner she wouldnt sit at his table nor talk to him. If he has no time for love, he has no time for her. She walked into the forest and a single tear streamed down her face. Joe jogged after her. " Hey… shh… whats wrong?" He asked, as they sat down against a tree. Emma burried her face in his chest crying.
p u m a
p u m a

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Location : Under yo bed ._.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:23 am

Red silently huffed as she watched her leave. She smiled as she quietly the legends... "I guess Sky has already chosen his deputy.." She smiled and nodded before silently climbing to the top of the cabin she slept in, which was besides the leaders,deputies, and healers. "Hey dude!!" Sky and Mitch laughed.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:24 am

"Hey, Martin, what's it like being a healer?" Silver asked, catching up with him. "It sounds pretty cool."

Pisces Posts : 776
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Age : 25
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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:27 am

Martin smiled. "Well, I'll teach you if you want to be one. It's hard at first, but you'll get used to it after you know what does what." He quietly took all the herbs from her and wrapped them in a leaf.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by p u m a Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:30 am

Emma came back as soon as she went. She heard someone yell, "DINNERS READY!" And they all rushed toward the dining cabin.

Joe felt sorry for Emma. Boys will be boys, he thought, and laughed to himself.

Cody walked beside Mitch. "Congratz," He said, high fiving him.
p u m a
p u m a

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:34 am


Mitch glanced down at Cody and nodded. "Thanks, it's surprising to me." He chuckled and quietly all the legends jumped off their cabin before silently walking towards the prey pile.

"Legends get first pick!" Nova ordered, growling at all the eager people who tried to get their prey first.

Red quietly waited and smiled at all the legends.

Martin grabbed Silver's hand. "Come on! I gotta announce if you wanna be a healer or not!" He quickly ran over to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a rabbit before silently pulling out his knife and sitting by Silver.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:35 am

"I'd like to learn." Silver smiled, looking at the leaf. "I'd love to be a healer." She giggled and handed him the last juniper berry in her pocket.

Pisces Posts : 776
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Age : 25
Location : Zone 0 with The Judge and Zacharie

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:36 am

Martin smiled. "Thanks." He quietly sat all his herbs besides him and slowly started to open the rabbit for them with his knife. I'll announce it after everyone ate their prey."

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:37 am

((Lol late post o3o))

Silver grabbed a plump squirrel andd used her knife and fork to begin cutting it, eating it in small bites to savour the taste. "Alright." She agreed with a smile

Pisces Posts : 776
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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by p u m a Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:41 am

Well they can take a jog xD)
Emma was pushed back into the crowd. A foot tripped her. When she looked up it was Mitch. She averted her gaze to somewhere else.

Joe let the Legends go first, his stomach growling.

Cody smiled before regrouping with Joe.
p u m a
p u m a

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:48 am

Silver soon finished her squirrel and then went to the back of the kitchen to put her plate in the dish washer. "Best meal I've actually had." She smiled and sat back down next to Martin.

Pisces Posts : 776
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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:49 am

Nova quietly grabbed the buck, Sky helping out. "Mitch! Seamus!" Sky called. Mitch grabbed his rabbit and Seamus his squirrel. They nodded before coming over to the legends.

(There's 4 rabbits and a baby squirrel left)

Red quietly took two rabbits and silently walked over and sat by Martin and Silver. "Hey!" Martin smiled, nodding at Red and silently handed Red his knife. "Thanks." Martin nodded.

(Now there's 2 rabbits and a squirrel)

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by Red_The_Wolf Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:50 am

Martin chuckled and nodded as he quietly finished his rabbit before quietly wiping his mouth as Red handed him back his knife. He placed it back and lead Silver to the medicine cave.

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Technology RP Empty Re: Technology RP

Post by ~.Silvery-Senpai.~ Wed Jan 29, 2014 12:53 am

((I'm in love with how cute my profile pic is o3o))

"Hey Red."  Silver smiled and handed her a clean fork. "Whoever mad e this is so good." She said, patting her own full belly and then getting up as Martin lead her over to the medicine cave. Holes were stacked with herbs and all sorts of stuff. "Wow.." She said in awe and glanced around the cave more.

Pisces Posts : 776
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